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A PERIPHERAL DEVICE is one attached to a host computer, but not part of it, and is more or less dependent on the host. It expands the host's capabilities, but does not form part of the core computer architecture. Examples are computer printers, image scanners, tape drives, microphones, loudspeakers, webcams, and digital cameras. Peripheral devices connect to the system unit through the ports on the computer.
CONVENTIONAL PCI (PCI stands for PERIPHERAL COMPONENT INTERCONNECT, part of the PCI Local Bus standard) is a computer bus for attaching hardware devices in a computer. These devices can take either the form of an integrated circuit fitted onto the motherboard itself, called a planar device in the PCI specification, or an expansion card that fits into a slot. We carry name brands such as JANZ TEC, DFI-ITOX and KORENIX.
Click on blue highlighted text to download brochure or catalog:
- DFI-ITOX brand Industrial Computer Peripherals
- DFI-ITOX brand Graphics Cards
- DFI-ITOX brand Industrial Motherboards brochure
- DFI-ITOX brand embedded single board computers brochure
- DFI-ITOX brand computer-on-board modules brochure
- DFI-ITOX brand Embedded OS Services
- ICP DAS brand industrial communication and networking products brochure
- ICP DAS brand PACs Embedded Controllers & DAQ brochure
- ICP DAS brand Industrial Touch Pad brochure
- ICP DAS brand Remote IO Modules and IO Expansion Units brochure
- ICP DAS brand PCI Boards and IO Cards
- JANZ TEC brand compact product brochure
- KORENIX brand compact product brochure
- Private Label Flash Storage for Embedded Industrial Applications (We can put your name, logo, brand on these.............)
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Some of the components and accessories we offer for industrial computers are:
- Multichannel analog and digital input output modules : We offer hundreds of different 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-channel function modules. They do have compact size and this small size makes these systems easy to use in confined places. Up to 16 channels can be accommodated in a 12mm (0.47in) wide module. Connections are pluggable, secure and strong, making replacing easy for the operators while the spring pressure technology assures continuous operation even under severe environmental conditions such as shock/vibration, temperature cycling….etc. Our multichannel analog and digital input output modules are highly flexible that each node in the I/O system can be configured to meet each channel’s requirements, digital and analog I/O and others can be easily combined. They are easy to handle, the modular rail-mounted module design allows easy and tool-free handling and modifications. Using colored markers the functionality of individual I/O modules is identified, terminal assignment and technical data are printed onto the side of the module. Our modular systems are fieldbus-independent.
- Multichannel relay modules : A relay is a switch controlled by an electric current. Relays make it possible for a low voltage low current circuit to switch a high voltage / high current device safely. As an example, we can use a battery powered small light detector circuit to control large mains powered lights using a relay. Relay boards or modules are commercial circuit boards fitted with relays, LED indicators, back EMF preventing diodes and practical screw-in terminal connections for voltage inputs, NC, NO, COM connections on the relay at the least. Multiple poles on them make it possible to switch multiple devices on or off simultaneously. Most industrial projects require more than one relay. Therefore multi-channel or also known as multiple relay boards are offered. They can have anywhere from 2 to 16 relays on the same circuit board. Relay boards can also be computer controlled directly by USB or serial connection. Relay boards connected to LAN or internet connected PC, we can control relays remotely from far away distances using special software.
- Printer interface: A printer interface is a combination of hardware and software that allows the printer to communicate with a computer. The hardware interface is called port and each printer has at least one interface. An interface incorporates several components including its communication type and the interface software.
There are eight major communication types:
1. Serial : Through serial connections computers send one bit of information at a time, one after another. Communication parameters such as parity, baud should be set on both entities before communication takes place.
2. Parallel : Parallel communication is more popular with printers because it is faster compared to serial communication. Using parallel type communication, printers receive eight bits at a time over eight separate wires.
Parallel uses a DB25 connection on the computer side and an oddly shaped 36 pin connection on the printer side.
3. Universal Serial Bus (popularly referred to as USB) : They can transfer data fast with a transfer rate of up to 12 Mbps and automatically recognize new devices.
4. Network : Also commonly referred to as Ethernet, network connections are commonplace on network laser printers. Other types of printers also employ this type of connection. These printers have a Network Interface Card (NIC) and ROM-based software that allows them to communicate with networks, servers and workstations.
5. Infrared : Infrared transmissions are wireless transmissions that use infrared radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum. An Infrared acceptor allows your devices (laptops, PDA’s, Cameras, etc) connect to the printer and send print commands through infrared signals.
6. Small Computer System Interface (known as SCSI) : Laser printers and some others use SCSI interfaces to PC as there is the benefit of daisy chaining wherein multiple devices could be on a single SCSI connection. Its implementation is easy.
7. IEEE 1394 Firewire : Firewire is a high speed connection widely used for digital video editing and other high bandwidth requirements. This interface currently supports devices with a maximum throughput of 800 Mbps and capable of speeds up to 3.2 Gbps.
8. Wireless : Wireless is the currently popular technology like infrared and bluetooth. The information is transmitted wirelessly through the air using radio waves and is received by the device.
Bluetooth is used to replace the cables between computers and its peripherals and they usually work over small distances of about 10 meters.
Out of these above communication types scanners mostly use USB, Parallel, SCSI, IEEE 1394/FireWire.
- Incremental Encoder Module : Incremental encoders are used in positioning and motor speed feedback applications. Incremental encoders provide excellent speed and distance feedback. As few sensors are involved, the incremental encoder systems are simple and economical. An incremental encoder is limited by only providing change information and therefore the encoder requires a reference device to calculate motion. Our incremental encoder modules are versatile and customizable to fit a variety of applications such as heavy duty applications as is the case in pulp & paper, steel industries; industrial duty applications such as textile, food, beverage industries and light duty/servo applications such as robotics, electronics, semiconductor industry.
- Full-CAN Controller For MODULbus Sockets :
The Controller Area Network, abbreviated as CAN was introduced to address the growing complexity of vehicle functions and networks. In the first embedded systems, modules contained a single MCU, performing a single or multiple simple functions such as reading a sensor level via an ADC and controlling a DC motor. As functions became more complex, designers adopted distributed module architectures, implementing functions in multiple MCUs on the same PCB. According to this example, a complex module would have the main MCU performing all system functions, diagnostics, and failsafe, while another MCU would handle a BLDC motor control function. This was made possible with the wide availability of general purpose MCUs at a low cost. In today’s vehicles, as functions become distributed within a vehicle rather than a module, the need for a high fault tolerance, inter module communication protocol led to the design and introduction of CAN in the automotive market. Full CAN Controller provides an extensive implementation of message filtering, as well as message parsing in the hardware, thus releasing the CPU from the task of having to respond to every received message. Full CAN controllers can be configured to interrupt the CPU only when messages whose Identifiers have been setup as acceptance filters in the controller. Full CAN controllers are also setup with multiple message objects referred to as mailboxes, which can store specific message information such as ID and data bytes received for the CPU to retrieve. The CPU in this case would retrieve the message any time, however, must complete the task prior to an update of that same message is received and overwrites the current content of the mailbox. This scenario is resolved in the final type of CAN controllers. Extended Full CAN controllers provide an additional level of hardware implemented functionality, by providing a hardware FIFO for received messages. Such an implementation allows more than one instance of the same message to be stored before the CPU is interrupted therefore preventing any information loss for high frequency messages, or even allowing the CPU to focus on the main module function for a longer period of time. Our Full-CAN Controller for MODULbus Sockets offers the following features: Intel 82527 Full CAN controller, Supports CAN protocol V 2.0 A and A 2.0 B, ISO/DIS 11898-2, 9-pin D-SUB connector, Options Isolated CAN interface, Supported Operating Systems are Windows, Windows CE, Linux, QNX, VxWorks.
- Intelligent CAN Controller For MODULbus Sockets : We offer our clients local intelligence with MC68332, 256 kB SRAM / 16 bit wide, 64 kB DPRAM / 16 bit wide, 512 kB flash, ISO/DIS 11898-2, 9-pin D-SUB connector, ICANOS firmware on-board, MODULbus+ compatible, options such as isolated CAN interface, CANopen available, operating systems supported are Windows, Windows CE, Linux, QNX, VxWorks.
- Intelligent MC68332 Based VMEbus Computer : VMEbus standing for VersaModular Eurocard bus is a computer data path or bus system that is used in industrial, commercial and military applications worldwide. VMEbus is used in traffic control systems, weapons control systems, telecommunication systems, robotics, data acquisition, video imaging...etc. VMEbus systems withstand shock, vibration and extended temperatures better than the standard bus systems used in desktop computers. This makes them ideal for harsh environments. Double euro-card from factor (6U) , A32/24/16:D16/08 VMEbus master; A24:D16/08 slave interface, 3 MODULbus I/O sockets, front-panel and P2 connection of MODULbus I/O lines, programmable MC68332 MCU with 21 MHz, on-board system controller with first slot detection, interrupt handler IRQ 1 – 5, interrupt generator any 1 of 7, 1 MB SRAM main memory, up to 1 MB EPROM, up to1 MB FLASH EPROM, 256 kB dual-ported battery buffered SRAM, battery buffered realtime clock with 2 kB SRAM, RS232 serial port , periodic interrupt timer (internal to MC68332), watchdog timer (internal to MC68332), DC/DC converter to supply analog modules. Options are 4 MB SRAM main memory. Supported operating system is VxWorks.
- Intelligent PLC Link Concept (3964R) : A programmable logic controller or briefly PLC is a digital computer used for automation of industrial electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines and amusement rides or light fixtures. PLC Link is a protocol to share easily memory area between two PLC’s. The big advantage of PLC Link is to work with PLC’s as Remote I/O units. Our Intelligent PLC Link Concept offers communication procedure 3964®, a messaging interface between host and firmware through software driver, applications on the host to communicate with another station on the seriel line connection, serial data communication according to 3964® protocol, availability of software drivers for various operating systems.
- Intelligent Profibus DP Slave Interface : ProfiBus is a messaging format specifically designed for high-speed serial I/O in factory and building automation applications. ProfiBus is an open standard and is recognized as the fastest FieldBus in operation today, based on RS485 and the European EN50170 Electrical Specification. The DP suffix refers to ''Decentralized Periphery'', which is used to describe distributed I/O devices connected via a fast serial data link with a central controller. To the contrary, a programmable logic controller, or PLC described above normally has its input/output channels arranged centrally. By introducing a network bus between the main controller (master) and its I/O channels (slaves), we have decentralized the I/O. A ProfiBus system uses a bus master to poll slave devices distributed in multi-drop fashion on an RS485 serial bus. A ProfiBus slave is any peripheral device (such as an I/O transducer, valve, network drive, or other measuring device) which processes information and sends its output to the master. The slave is a passively operating station on the network since it does not have bus access rights and can only acknowledge received messages, or send response messages to the master upon request. It is important to note that all ProfiBus slaves have the same priority, and that all network communication originates from the master. To summarize: A ProfiBus DP is an open standard based on EN 50170, it is the fastest Fieldbus standard to date with data rates up to 12 Mb, offers plug and play operation, enables up to 244 bytes of input/output data per message, up to 126 stations may connect to the bus and up to 32 stations per bus segment. Our Intelligent Profibus DP Slave Interface Janz Tec VMOD-PROFoffers all functions for motor controlling of DC servo motors, programmable digital PID filter, velocity, target position and filter parameters that are changeable during motion, quadrature encoder interface with pulse input, programmable host interrupts, 12 bit D/A converter, 32 bit position, velocity and acceleration registers. It support Windows, Windows CE, Linux, QNX and VxWorks operating systems.
- MODULbus Carrier Board for 3 U VMEbus Systems : This system offers 3 U VMEbus non-intelligent carrier board for MODULbus, single euro-card form factor (3 U), A24/16:D16/08 VMEbus slave interface, 1 socket for MODULbus I/O, jumper selectable interrupt level 1 – 7 and vector-interrupt, short-I/O or standard-addressing, needs only one VME-slot, supports MODULbus+identification mechanism, front panel connector of I/O signals (provided by modules). Options are DC/DC converter for analog module power supply. Supported operating systems are Linux, QNX, VxWorks.
- MODULbus Carrier Board For 6 U VMEbus Systems : This system offers 6U VMEbus non-intelligent carrier board for MODULbus, double euro-card, A24/D16 VMEbus slave interface, 4 plug-in sockets for MODULbus I/O, different vector from each MODULbus I/O, 2 kB short-I/O or standard-address range, needs only one VME-slot, front panel and P2 connection of I/O lines. Options are DC/DC converter to supply analog modules power. Supported operating systems are Linux, QNX, VxWorks.
- MODULbus Carrier Board For PCI Systems : Our MOD-PCI carrier boards offer non-intelligent PCI with two MODULbus+ sockets, extended height short form factor, 32 bit PCI 2.2 target interface (PLX 9030), 3.3V / 5V PCI interface, only one PCI-bus slot occupied, front panel connector of MODULbus socket 0 available at PCI bus bracket. On the other hand, our MOD-PCI4 boards have non-Intelligent PCI-bus carrier board with four MODULbus+ sockets, extended height long form factor, 32 bit PCI 2.1 target interface (PLX 9052), 5V PCI interface, only one PCI slot occupied, front panel connector of MODULbus socket 0 available at ISAbus bracket, I/O connector of MODULbus socket 1 available on 16-pin flat cable connector at ISA bracket.
- Motor Controller For DC Servo Motors : Mechanical systems manufacturers, power & energy equipment producers, transportation & traffic equipment producers and service companies, automotive, medical and many other areas can use our equipment with peace of mind, because we offer robust, reliable and scalable hardware for their drive technology. The modular design of our motor controllers enables us to offer solutions based on emPC systems that are highly flexible and ready to be adapted to customer’s requirements. We are able to design interfaces that are economical and suitable for applications ranging from simple single axis to multiple synchronized axes. Our modular and compact emPCs can be complemented with our scalable emVIEW displays (currently from 6.5” to 19”) for a broad spectrum of applications ranging from simple control systems to integral operator interface systems. Our emPC systems are available in different performance classes and sizes. They have no fans and work with compact-flash media. Our emCONTROL soft PLC environment can be used as a fully fledged, real-time control system enabling both simple as well as complex DRIVE ENGINEERING tasks to be accomplished. We also customize our emPC to meet your specific requirements.
- Serial Interface Module : A Serial Interface Module is a device that creates an addressable zone input for a conventional detection device. It offers a connection to an addressable bus, and a supervised zone input. When the zone input is open, the module sends status data to the control panel indicating the open position. When the zone input is shorted, the module sends status data to the control panel, indicating the shorted condition. When the zone input is normal, the module sends data to the control panel, indicating the normal condition. Users see status and alarms from the sensor at the local keypad. The control panel can also send a message to the monitoring station. The serial interface module can be used in alarm systems, building control and energy management systems. Serial interface modules provide important advantages reducing installation labor by its special designs, by providing an addressable zone input, reducing the overall cost of the entire system. Cabling is minimal because the module’s data cable need not be individually routed to the control panel. The cable is an addressable bus that allows connection to many devices before cabling and connecting to the control panel for processing. It saves current, and minimizes the need for additional power supplies because of its low current requirements.
- VMEbus Prototyping Board : Our VDEV-IO boards offer double Eurocard form factor (6U) with VMEbus interface, A24/16:D16 VMEbus slave interface, full interruption capabilities, pre-decoding of 8 address ranges, vector register, large matrix field with surrounding track for GND/Vcc, 8 user definable LEDs at the front panel.