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Manufacturing and Assembly of Customized Solar Energy Systems

Solar Lighting Systems Assembly
Flexible and Rigid Solar Panels
Manufacturing and Assembly of Customized Solar Energy Systems
Solar Generators

We supply:

• Solar power cells & panels, solar energy powered devices and custom assemblies for creating alternative energy. Solar power cells can be the best solution for stand-alone equipment located in remote areas by self powering your equipment or devices. The elimination of high maintenance due to battery replacement, elimination of the need for installing power cables to connect your equipment to main power lines can give a big marketing boost to your products. Think about it when you design stand alone equipment to be located in remote areas. In addition, solar power can save you money by reducing your dependence on electrical energy purchased. Remember, solar energy cells can be flexible or rigid. Promising research is ongoing on spray-on solar cells. The energy generated by solar devices is generally stored in batteries or used immediately after generation. We can supply you the solar cells, panels, solar batteries, inverters, solar energy connectors, cable assemblies, entire solar power kits for your projects. We can also help you during the design phase of your solar device. By choosing the right components, the right solar cell type and maybe using optical lenses, prisms...etc. we can maximize the amount of power generated by the solar cells. Maximizing solar power when available surfaces on your device is limited can be a challenge. We have the right expertise and optical design tools to achieve this.


Dowload brochure for our DESIGN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM

Make sure to download our comprehensive electric & electronic components catalog for off-shelf products by CLICKING HERE. This catalogue does have products such as solar connectors, batteries, converters and more for your solar related projects. If you cannot find it there, contact us and we will send you information on what we have available.

If you are mostly interested in our large scale domestic or utility scale renewable alternative energy products and systems including solar systems, then we invite you to visit our energy site

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