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Električni i elektronički sklopovi

Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Elektronički sklop - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electronic assembly of a medical oven

Elektronička montaža medicinske pećnice

Electronic products manufacturing and assembly by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Proizvodnja i montaža elektroničkih proizvoda od strane AGS-TECH, Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone developed and manufactured by AGS-TECH Inc.

Kapacitivni kabel za slušalice na dodir razvijen i proizveden od strane AGS-TECH Inc.

Development and manufacturing of capacitive touch headphone cable

Razvoj i proizvodnja kapacitivnog kabela za slušalice na dodir

Optoelectronic PCBA

Optoelektronički PCBA

PCB Boards

PCB ploče

Custom PCB assemblies by AGS-TECH

PCB sklopovi po narudžbi tvrtke AGS-TECH

Prototype of an optoelectronic robot with rotating and tip-tilt stage for automated tracking and recording

Prototip optoelektroničkog robota s rotirajućim i vrh-nagibnim stupnjem za automatizirano praćenje i snimanje 

Custom manufactured and assembled transformer

Transformator proizveden i sastavljen po narudžbi

Custom transformers manufactured by AGS-TECH

Transformatori po narudžbi proizvođača AGS-TECH

Sklop električne bušilice tvrtke AGS-TECH Inc.

Custom manufactured transformers made by AGS-TECH for a grill manufacturer

Transformatori izrađeni po narudžbi tvrtke AGS-TECH za proizvođača roštilja

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic

PCBA sklopovi - električni elektronički sklopovi

Electric Drill Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.
Eyeglass Case with Motion Detectors AGS-TECH, Inc.
Eyeglass case with motion sensors completely manufactured and assembled by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Etui za naočale s detektorima pokreta AGS-TECH, Inc.

Etui za naočale sa senzorima pokreta u potpunosti proizvodi i sastavlja AGS-TECH, Inc.

AGS-TECH packages your products according to your choice and needs

AGS-TECH pakira Vaše proizvode prema Vašem izboru i potrebama

Alternator Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Sklop alternatora tvrtke AGS-TECH Inc.

Starter Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Montaža startera tvrtke AGS-TECH Inc.

Electrical Starter by AGS-TECH Inc.

Električni pokretač tvrtke AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB i SMT sklopovi AGS-TECH Inc.

Strain Gauges with Wire Leads Manufactured and Assembled by AGS-TECH Inc.

Mjerači naprezanja sa žičanim izvodima koje proizvodi i sastavlja AGS-TECH Inc.

Single and multilayer PCB boards available from AGS-TECH Inc

Jednoslojne i višeslojne PCB ploče dostupne od AGS-TECH Inc 

Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

Sklopovi tiskanih ploča PCBA

Custom PCBA manufacturing AGS-TECH, Inc.

Proizvodnja PCBA po narudžbi AGS-TECH, Inc.

PCB board manufacturing AGS-TECH

Proizvodnja PCB ploča AGS-TECH

We manufacture printed circuit board assemblies

Proizvodimo sklopove tiskanih pločica prema vašem nacrtu ili po našem nacrtu prema vašim potrebama

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