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AGS-TECH, Inc. Panjenengan

Produsen lan Supplier Label Pribadi lan Putih.

Sampeyan bisa tuku produk kanthi jeneng merek, logo lan label saka kita. Akeh produk sing siap lan ora bisa dikirim menyang sampeyan kanthi jeneng merek sampeyan, supaya sampeyan bisa langsung adol lan promosi merek sampeyan.

Produk Packaging & Labeling, Printing lan Layanan sing Gegandhengan

Kita nyedhiyakake sampeyan ing rak uga bahan kemasan lan label sing dirancang lan digawe khusus. Kita bisa ngirim kemasan & label & bahan cetak kanthi kapisah utawa paket lan label produk sampeyan nggunakake bahan kemasan sing disenengi lan dikirim menyang sampeyan supaya sampeyan bisa langsung adol. Kajaba iku, ana akeh cara liyane sing bisa kita lakoni. Ing ngisor iki sawetara layanan sing gegandhengan karo kemasan, label lan percetakan sing diterangake kanthi luwih rinci.

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CO-PACKING & CONTRACT PACKAGING SERVICE: If you wish, we receive your products in bulk in our factory and assemble them in  their final finished packaging. You can source products from us and/or multiple providers in bulk and can be kept at one of our warehouses. There, we can package them as finished goods ready to sell anywhere on globe by you. We can ship them to your address or anywhere you prefer with your name, logo and brand on them. Packaging can be customized so you can sell them under various brand names to different buyers, in different regions or different parts of the World. Our services are comprehensive and as you wish, we can take care of design, displays, packaging, shipping, storing and more. Our warehouses are in strategic locations such as:


- China

- Taiwan

- Hong Kong

- Singapore

- India

- Brazil

- Europe

- Mexico

​Our facilities are outstandingly good and meet all regulatory standards.

PACKAGING DESIGN: For perfectly branding your products, the packaging needs to be aesthetic, functional, robust, protective, recyclable and environmentally friendly....etc. We have the right subject experts who deliver quality and finesse in the design, choose the most appropriate materials and processes for your product packages. We are capable to create and deliver you the ideal packages that fit your products without unnecessary gaps and material waste. Some popular package types that are off-shelf or custom designed for you are:

- Blister Packs

- Clamshells

- Pouches

- Eco-Friendly Pouches

- Product Bags

- Carton Boxes and Packages 

- Mailer Boxes

- Product Envelopes

- Polymer Mailers

PACKAGING TESTING: We test the suitability of product packages for your particular product. We ensure your packaged products are protected from various weather conditions such as humidity, heat, cold, dust, shock during transportation, loading, unloading, waiting on store or warehouse shelves for prolonged times.......etc. 

KITTING SERVICES: We create kits, assembling products from different suppliers into the same packaging. Kitting and assembling kits has some unique advantages in some cases. For example, a product shipped as a kit may be considered as an unfinished product by customs agencies and therefore be subject to lower import taxes and fees. Another advantage of shipping kits instead of completely assembled, finished products can help product packages be stacked on top of each other easily and save on shipping volume. In other words, 100 pc of a particular, fully assembled product may take up 20 boxes, whereas if stacked as kits, it may only take up 10 boxes.

CLEAN ROOM PACKAGING SERVICES: Some products such as electronic subassemblies, electronic circuits...etc. are vulnerable to dust, moisture.....etc. and need to be packaged in clean rooms that are special facilities. We package your sensitive and vulnerable products in clean rooms.

ESD CONTROLLED PACKAGING: Some products such as electronic subassemblies, electronic circuits, microchips....etc. are sensitive to electrical discharges that can destroy the circuits within split seconds. Electrical discharges can be accidentally generated by our clothing, hand touch.....etc. We package such sensitive products on special ESD controlled tables, mats....etc. equipped with special devices that prevent destruction. 

PRIVATE LABELING TAGS, PLATES, LABELS, STICKERS, LOGOS, BARCODES...etc: We make these from various materials and with various designs and sizes to make your products appealing. 

PRIVATE LABEL INSTRUCTION MANUALS, BROCHURES, CATALOGS: Many products come with instruction manuals included in their package. It would not be appropriate to label your product with your name but to include an instruction manual with the name of the actual manufacturer. For products that require a user instruction booklet or sheet, we do print them with your private label, logo and name. Similarly, we can supply you product brochures with your name and logo so that you can further expand your marketing power and get more orders for your brand. Your customers can then receive your product brochures and order from you additional products, spare parts, accessories....etc. Simply put, we will support you in many ways to promote your brand and grow your business. 

DISPLAYS: If you wish, we provide assembled and pre-loaded promotional displays to you, ready for you to distribute them worldwide to your branches, sales points, franchises, resellers.....etc.

POSTPONEMENT SERVICES: To reduce inventory and increase flexibility, late packaging customization can be implemented. Products stored in bulk can be packaged under different packaging, different brand names or assortments.

TAX EXEMPTIONS from our FACILITIES LOCATED IN CUSTOMS BONDED AREAS: Some of our facilities are located in customs bonded areas, thus enabling tax exemptions. In other words, these are free trade zones with no tax liabilities. This saves our customers money as we can offer value added tax free and duty free products from multiple factories at lower costs. An additional benefit of customs bonded areas is faster clearance of goods, which results in shorter lead times.

Please click on blue highlighted text below to download relevant brochures and catalogs:

- Private Label Packaging Design Flyer

Kita AGS-TECH Inc., sumber siji-mandeg kanggo manufaktur & fabrikasi & engineering & outsourcing & konsolidasi. Kita minangka integrator teknik paling maneka warna ing Donya sing nawakake manufaktur, subassembly, perakitan produk lan layanan teknik khusus.

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