Produsen Custom Global, Integrator, Consolidator, Mitra Outsourcing kanggo Macem-macem Produk & Layanan.
Kita minangka sumber siji-mandeg kanggo manufaktur, fabrikasi, teknik, konsolidasi, integrasi, outsourcing produk & layanan sing digawe khusus lan ora kasedhiya. Kita uga label pribadi / label putih produk sampeyan kanthi jeneng merek yen sampeyan pengin.
Pilih Basa sampeyan
Manufaktur Custom Parts, Komponen, Rakitan, Produk Rampung, Mesin lan Peralatan Industri
Manufaktur Kontrak Domestik & Global
Outsourcing Produksi
Domestik, Pengadaan Global Produk Industri
Labeling pribadi / Label Putih Produk sampeyan nganggo Jeneng merek sampeyan
Product Finding & Locating Services
Desain Global lan Kemitraan Saluran
Integrasi Teknik
Layanan Teknik
Konsolidasi Global, Gudang, Logistik
Specialized Test Equipment for Testing of Furniture are used for testing furniture products such as chairs, table, sofas, mattress....etc., for checking their quality, endurance, functionality, reliability, safety, compliance to domestic and international standards....etc. Our specialized test equipment can be either:
Custom designed specialized testing equipment is designed and developed by us for our customers specific needs, taking into consideration our customers specific requirements, their markets, their legal responsibilities...etc. We work with you hand in hand to accomplish what you need and want. Our engineers design, prototype and get your approval prior to manufacturing your test machines.
On the other hand, our off-shelf specialized test equipment for testing of furniture are already designed and manufactured systems that can be purchased quickly from us and used. If you let us know what you need, we will be happy to guide you and propose you ready systems that can help achieve your goals. Our off-shelf specialized test equipment for testing of furniture can be downloaded from the colored links below:
HAIDA Bifma Furnitures Testing Machine
HAIDA Chair Arm and Leg Tester
HAIDA Chair Base Static Tester
HAIDA Chair Caster Durability Tester
HAIDA Chair Drop Impact Tester
HAIDA Chair and Foam Testing Machine
HAIDA Chair Seating and Back Durability
HAIDA Chair Swivel Tester Catalog Download
HAIDA Chair Universal Test Machine
HAIDA Color Assessment Cabinet
HAIDA Foam Pounding Fatigue Tester
HAIDA Furniture Universal Test Machine
HAIDA Mattress Firmness Tester
HAIDA Mattress Rollator Durability Tester
HAIDA Mattress Rollator Durability Tester-2
HAIDA Sofa Durability Tester HD-F769
HAIDA Sofa Durability Tester HD-F761
Kanggo peralatan liyane sing padha, bukak situs web peralatan kita: http://www.sourceindustrialsupply.com