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Please click on the highlighted cutting & grinding disc and wheels of interest below to download the related brochures.

Abrasive Flap Disc

Cut-off Wheels

Flat/Turbo Fiber Disc

Grinding Wheels

Mesh Abrasive Wheels

Polishing Disc

Private Label Abrasives (We can put your company name, logo, brand on these. In other words we offer you private label)

Private Label Abrasives Ordering Instructions Guide

Private Label Power Tool Accessories   This brochure includes some cutting, grinding, polishing discs. We can private label these hand tools if you wish. In other words, we can put your company name, brand and label on them. This way you can promote your brand by reselling these to your customers.

Resinoid Flexible Wheels

Prices for our cutting & grinding discs depend on model and quantity of order. For custom designs and custom manufacturing, prices will be calculated based on material, labor, packaging and labeling requirements.

Since we carry a wide variety of cutting and grinding discs with different dimensions, applications and material; it is impossible to list them all here. Please email or call us so we can determine which cutting & grinding disc is the most suitable for you. When contacting us, please let us know about:

- Intended Application


- Material grade desired and preferred

- Dimensions


- Finishing requirements


- Packaging requirements


- Labeling requirements


- Quantity of order

Grinding Cup Wheel
Dîska birrîn û qirkirin

VIRÊ bikirtînin da ku kapasîteyên me yên teknîkî û rêbernameya referansê dakêşin ji bo birîna taybetmendî, sondajê, rijandin, çêkirin, şikilandin, pîvazkirina amûrên ku di bijîjkî, diranan, amûrên rast, mêtina metal, çêkirina mirinê û sepanên din ên pîşesaziyê de têne bikar anîn.


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