Hilberînerê Xwerû ya Gloverî, Integrator, Hevkar, Hevkarê Derveyî Ji bo Cûreyek Berfireh a Hilber û Karûbaran.
Em ji bo çêkirin, çêkirin, endezyarî, yekbûn, yekbûn, derxistina hilber û karûbarên xwerû yên çêkirî û yên li derveyî refê çavkaniya weya yek-rawest in. Ger hûn bixwazin, em di heman demê de etîketa taybet / spî hilberên we bi navê marqeya we nîşan didin.
Zimanê xwe hilbijêre
Hilberîna Xweser a Parçe, Pêkhatî, Meclîs, Berhemên Qediyayî, Makîne û Amûrên Pîşesaziyê
Hilberîna Peymana Navxweyî û Gerdûnî
Manufacturing Outsourcing
Kirîna Navxweyî, Gerdûnî ya Berhemên Pîşesazî
Etîketkirina taybet / Spî Hilberên xwe bi navê marqeya xwe nîşankirin
Karûbarên Dîtina Hilber & Cihgirtin
Sêwirana gerdûnî û Hevkariya Kanal
Endezyariya Entegrasyonê
Xizmetên Endezyariyê
Hevgirtina Gerdûnî, Warehousing, Logistics
Civîn û Têkiliyên Kabloya Elektrîk & Elektronîkî
We offer:
• Various kinds of wires, cables, cable assembly and cable management accessories, unshielded or shielded cable for power distribution, high voltage, low signal, telecommunications…etc., inteconnects and interconnect components.
• Connectors, plugs, adaptors and mating sleeves, connectorized patch panel, splicing enclosure.
Cable Termination Products Brochure (Tubing, Insulation, Protection, Heat Shrinkable, Cable Repair, Breakout Boots, Clamps, Cable Ties and Clips, Wire Markers, Tapes, Cable End Caps, Distribution Slots)
Custom Specialized Cable Assemblies Brochure for Lighting, Touch Technology, Industrial Electronics, Security, White Goods, Aerospace, Military, Telecom, Medical & Sterilizable, Renewable Energy...etc.
Download our catalog for off-shelf interconnect components and hardware, please CLICK HERE.
IGOYE Brand Solar Products Catalog
Includes Solar Connectors & Cables, EV Charging Sockets.
Microwave Flexible Cable Assembly
Microwave and Milimeter Wave Test Accessories Brochure (Cable assemblies, VNA Test Assemblies, Mechanical Calibration Kits, RF Coaxial Adapters, Test Port Adapters, DC Blocks, NMD Connectors....etc.)
Private Label Low-Voltage Cables & Accessories for AV - DataCom - CATV - Security - LAN - Electrical
Receptacles-Power Entry-Connectors Catalogue
RF Components Brochure for Coaxial Fixed Attenuators, Coaxial Terminations, DC Blocks, Coax Adapters, Waveguide Components, Power Dividers, RF Connectors, RF Tools.
Terminal Blocks and Connectors
Terminal Blocks General Catalogue
- Information on our facility producing ceramic to metal fittings, hermetic sealing, vacuum feedthroughs, high and ultrahigh vacuum components, BNC, SHV adapters and connectors, conductors and contact pins, connector terminals can be found here: Factory Brochure
Dowload brochure for our DESIGN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM
Interconnects and cable assembly products come in a large variety. Please specify us the type, application, specification sheets if available and we will offer you the most suitable product. We can custom tailor these for you in case it is not an off-the-shelf product. Our cable assemblies and interconnects are CE or UL marked by authorized organizations and comply with industry regulations and standards such as IEEE, IEC, ISO...etc.
To find out more about our engineering and research & development capabilities instead of manufacturing operations, we invite you to visit our engineering site http://www.ags-engineering.com