Hilberînerê Xwerû ya Gloverî, Integrator, Hevkar, Hevkarê Derveyî Ji bo Cûreyek Berfireh a Hilber û Karûbaran.
Em ji bo çêkirin, çêkirin, endezyarî, yekbûn, yekbûn, derxistina hilber û karûbarên xwerû yên çêkirî û yên li derveyî refê çavkaniya weya yek-rawest in. Ger hûn bixwazin, em di heman demê de etîketa taybet / spî hilberên we bi navê marqeya we nîşan didin.
Zimanê xwe hilbijêre
Hilberîna Xweser a Parçe, Pêkhatî, Meclîs, Berhemên Qediyayî, Makîne û Amûrên Pîşesaziyê
Hilberîna Peymana Navxweyî û Gerdûnî
Manufacturing Outsourcing
Kirîna Navxweyî, Gerdûnî ya Berhemên Pîşesazî
Etîketkirina taybet / Spî Hilberên xwe bi navê marqeya xwe nîşankirin
Karûbarên Dîtina Hilber & Cihgirtin
Sêwirana gerdûnî û Hevkariya Kanal
Endezyariya Entegrasyonê
Xizmetên Endezyariyê
Hevgirtina Gerdûnî, Warehousing, Logistics
Pêkhatin û Meclîsên Elektrîk & Elektronîkî
As a custom manufacturer and engineering integrator, AGS-TECH can supply you the following ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS and ASSEMBLIES:
• Active and passive electronic components, devices, subassemblies and finished products. We can either use the electronic components in our catalogs and brochures listed below or use your prefered manufacturers components in your electronic products assembly. Some of the electronic components and assembly can be custom tailored according to your needs and requirements. If your order quantities justify, we can have the manufacturing plant produce according to your specifications. You can scroll down and download our brochures of interest by clicking on highlighted text:
Antenna Brochure for 5G - LTE 4G - LPWA 3G - 2G - GPS - GNSS - WLAN - BT - Combo - ISM
Custom Specialized Cable Assemblies Brochure for Lighting, Touch Technology, Industrial Electronics, Security, White Goods, Aerospace, Military, Telecom, Medical & Sterilizable, Renewable Energy...etc.
High frequency devices product line (Band Pass Filters, Low Pass Filters, IPD, CPL, Balanced Filter, Diplexer, Balun, Chip Antenna...etc.)
Microwave Flexible Cable Assembly
Microwave and Milimeter Wave Test Accessories Brochure (Cable assemblies, VNA Test Assemblies, Mechanical Calibration Kits, RF Coaxial Adapters, Test Port Adapters, DC Blocks, NMD Connectors....etc.)
Microwave Waveguides - Coaxial Components - Milimeterwave Antennas (Straight Waveguide, Waveguide Bend, Waveguide to Coaxial Adapter, Directional Couplers, Waveguide Tee, Circulators, Isolators......etc.)
Multilayer ceramic capacitors MLCC catalog
Multilayer ceramic capacitors MLCC product line
Off-shelf interconnect components and hardware
Precision RF Adapters Catalog (Coax RF, Microwave, mmWave Adapters such as SMA, SSMA, SMP, BNC, Type-N, 3.5 mm.....etc)
RF Components Brochure for Coaxial Fixed Attenuators, Coaxial Terminations, DC Blocks, Coax Adapters, Waveguide Components, Power Dividers, RF Connectors, RF Tools.
RF devices and high frequency inductors (Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors, Chip-Resistor, Disc Capacitors, RF & HF Inductor Varistors & SMD-Varistors, Chip Antenna, Filters, Coupler)
RF and Microwave Components (Broadband 90/180 Degree Hybrid and Coupler, Broadband Power Divider, Filter, RF switch, Broadband Amplifier, Broadband Frequency Synthesizer)
RF Product Overview Chart (RF Antenna, Multilayer Ceramic Filter, Multilayer Ceramic Balun, Ceramic Diplexer)
Terminal Blocks and Connectors
Terminal Blocks General Catalogue
Receptacles-Power Entry-Connectors Catalogue
Yaren Model MOSFET - SCR - FRD - Voltage Control Devices - Bipolar Transistors
Zeasset Model Electrolytic Capacitors
• Other electronic components and assembly we have been providing are pressure sensors, temperature sensors, conductivity sensors, proximity sensors, humidity sensors, speed sensor, shock sensor, chemical sensor, inclination sensor, load cell, strain gauges.
To download related catalogs and brochures of these, please click on colored text:
Coding system for off-shelf strain gauges
Digital Temperature Transmitter UTI2
Digital Temperature Transmitter UTI6
Din Rail Mounted Temperature Transmitters UTB11
Electronic Temperature Switch UTS2
Explosive Proof Temperature Transmitter UTB4
Integrated Temperature Transmitter UTB8
Intelligent Temperature Transmitter UTI5
Load cells, weight sensors, load gauges, transducers and transmitters
Pressure sensors, pressure gauges, transducers and transmitters
Process Automation Solutions (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
Sensors & Analytical Measurement Systems for Liquid Analysis (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
Sensors & Analytical Measurement Systems for Optical OEM Applications in Liquid Analysis (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
Sensors & Analytical Measurement Systems for pH Testing (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
Smart Temperature Transmitter UTB-101
Sockets and accessories of proximity sensors
Strain Gauges for Stress Analysis
Temperature Humidity Transmitters
Temperature Pressure Integration Transmitter UTB5
Thermal Resistor Temperature Transducer UTC1 (-50~+600 C)
Thermal Resistor Temperature Transducer UTC2 (-40~+200 C)
Wireless Digital Temperature Gauge UTI7
• Chip level micrometer scale tiny Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) based devices such as micropumps, micromirrors, micromotors, microfluidic devices.
• Integrated Circuits (IC)
• Switching elements, switch, relay, contactor, circuit breaker
Contactors with UL and CE Certification NC1100111-1042532
Contactors with UL and CE Certification NC2100111-1044422
Contactors with UL and CE Certifications NC6100111-1040002
Definite Purpose Contactor with UL and CE Certifications NCK3100111-1052422
Electronic Overload Relay with UL and CE Certification NRE8100111-1143132
Miniature Circuit Breakers with UL and CE Certification NB1100111-1114242
Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certification JQX-10F100111-1153432
Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certifications JQX-13F100111-1154072
Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certification JTX100111-1155122
Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certification MK100111-1155402
Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certification NJX-13FW100111-1152352
Push button and rotary switches & control boxes
Sub-Miniature Power Relay with UL and CE Certification JQC-3F100111-1153132
Thermal Overload Relay with UL and CE Certification NR2100111-1144062
• Electric fans and coolers for installation in electronic and industrial devices
• Heating elements, thermoelectric coolers (TEC)
Super Power heat sinks for medium - high power electronic systems
• We supply Electronic Enclosures for protection of your electronic components and assembly. Besides these off-shelf electronic enclosures, we do custom injection mold and thermoform electronic enclosures that fit your technical drawings. Please download from links below:
Economic 17 Series Hand Held Enclosures
Tibox Model Enclosures and Cabinets
01 Series Instrument Case System-I
02 Series Plastic and Aluminum Instrument Case Systems II
03 Series Plastic and Steel Enclosures
05 Series Instrument Case System-V
10 Series Sealed Plastic Enclosures
11 Series Die-cast Aluminium Boxes
15 Series Modular Plastic Enclosures
16 Series DIN rail module enclosures
18 Series Special Plastic Enclosures
20 Series Wall-Mounting Enclosures
21 Series Card Reader Enclosures
24 Series DIN Plastic Enclosures
31 Series Potting and Power Supply Enclosures
37 Series Plastic Equipment Cases
• Telecommunication and datacommunication products, lasers, receivers, transceivers, transponders, modulators, amplifiers. CATV products such as CAT3, CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6, CAT7 cables, CATV splitters.
• Laser components and assembly
• Acoustic components and assemblies, recording electronics
- These catalogs contain only some brands we sell. We also have generic brand names and other brands with similar good quality for you to choose from.
Dowload brochure for our DESIGN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM
- Contact us for your special electronic assembly requests. We integrate various components & products and manufacture complex assemblies. We can either design it for you or assemble according to your design.
Reference Code: OICASANLY