Hilberînerê Xwerû ya Gloverî, Integrator, Hevkar, Hevkarê Derveyî Ji bo Cûreyek Berfireh a Hilber û Karûbaran.
Em ji bo çêkirin, çêkirin, endezyarî, yekbûn, yekbûn, derxistina hilber û karûbarên xwerû yên çêkirî û yên li derveyî refê çavkaniya weya yek-rawest in. Ger hûn bixwazin, em di heman demê de etîketa taybet / spî hilberên we bi navê marqeya we nîşan didin.
Zimanê xwe hilbijêre
Hilberîna Xweser a Parçe, Pêkhatî, Meclîs, Berhemên Qediyayî, Makîne û Amûrên Pîşesaziyê
Hilberîna Peymana Navxweyî û Gerdûnî
Manufacturing Outsourcing
Kirîna Navxweyî, Gerdûnî ya Berhemên Pîşesazî
Etîketkirina taybet / Spî Hilberên xwe bi navê marqeya xwe nîşankirin
Karûbarên Dîtina Hilber & Cihgirtin
Sêwirana gerdûnî û Hevkariya Kanal
Endezyariya Entegrasyonê
Xizmetên Endezyariyê
Hevgirtina Gerdûnî, Warehousing, Logistics
Qereqolên Pîşesazî û Komputerên Mîkro
A WORKSTATION is a high-end MICROCOMPUTER designed and used for technical or scientific applications. The intention is that they are used by one person at a time, and are commonly connected to a local area network (LAN) and run multi-user operating systems. The term workstation has also been used by many to refer to a mainframe computer terminal or a PC connected to a network.
In the past, workstations had offered higher performance than desktop computers, especially with respect to CPU and graphics, memory capacity and multitasking capability. Workstations are optimized for the visualization and manipulation of different types of complex data such as 3D mechanical design, engineering simulation (such as computational fluid dynamics), animation and rendering of images, mathematical plots…etc. Consoles consist at least of a high resolution display, a keyboard and a mouse, but may also offer multiple displays, graphics tablets, 3D mice (devices for manipulation and navigation of 3D objects and scenes), etc. Workstations are the first segment of the computer market to present advanced accessories and collaboration tools.
We offer both off-the-shelf as well as CUSTOM DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED INDUSTRIAL WORKSTATIONS for industrial use. For mission critical applications we design and manufacture your industrial workstations according to your specific needs. We discuss your needs and requirements and provide you feedback and design proposals prior to building your computer system. We select one of a variety of rugged enclosures and determine the right computing horsepower that meets your needs. Industrial workstations can be supplied with active and passive PCI Bus backplanes that can be configured to support your ISA cards. Our spectrum covers from small 2 – 4 slot benchtop systems up to 2U, 4U or higher rackmount systems. We offer NEMA / IP RATED FULLY ENCLOSEDworkstations. Our industrial workstations outperform similar competitors systems in terms of the quality standards they meet, reliability, durability, long term use and are used in a variety of industries including the military, navy, marine, petroleum & gas, industrial processing, medical, pharmaceutical, transportation and logistics, semiconductor manufacturing. They are designed to be used in a wide variety of environmental conditions and industrial applications that require additional protection from dirt, dust, rain, sprayed water and other circumstances where corrosive materials such as salt water or caustic substances can be present. Our heavy-duty, ruggedly-built LCD computers and workstations are an ideal and dependable solution for use in poultry, fish or beef processing facilities where total wash-down with disinfectants occurs repeatedly, or in petrochemical refineries and offshore drilling platforms for oil & natural gas. Our NEMA 4X (IP66) models are gasket sealed and constructed from 316 stainless steel. Each system is engineered and assembled according to a completely sealed design using top quality 316 stainless steel for the outer enclosure and high-tech components inside each rugged PC. They come equipped with industrial grade bright TFT displays and resistive analog industrial touch-screens. Here we list some of the features of our popular industrial workstations:
- Water and dust proof, corrosion resistant. Integrated with water proof keyboards
- Rugged enclosed workstation, rugged motherboards
- NEMA 4 (IP65) or NEMA 4X (IP66) environmental protection
- Flexibility and options in mounting. Mounting types such as pedestal, bulkhead…etc.
- Direct or KVM cabling to host
- Powered by Intel Dual-Core or Atom processors
- SATA fast access disk drive or solid state media
- Windows or Linux operating systems
- Expandability
- Extended operational temperatures
- Depending on customer preferences, input connectors can be located on the bottom, side or rear.
- Models available in 15.0”, 17” & 19.0”
- Superior sunlight readability
- Integrated purge system for C1D1 applications as well as non-purged C1D2 designs
- UL, CE, FC, RoHS, MET compliances
Dowload brochure for our DESIGN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM