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Manufacturing Outsourcing
Kirîna Navxweyî, Gerdûnî ya Berhemên Pîşesazî
Etîketkirina taybet / Spî Hilberên xwe bi navê marqeya xwe nîşankirin
Karûbarên Dîtina Hilber & Cihgirtin
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Hevgirtina Gerdûnî, Warehousing, Logistics
COMPUTER NETWORKING DEVICES are equipment that mediate data in computer networks. Computer networking devices are also called NETWORK EQUIPMENT, INTERMEDIATE SYSTEMS (IS) or INTERWORKING UNIT (IWU). Devices which are the last receiver or that generate data are called HOST or DATA TERMINAL EQUIPMENT. Among the high quality brands we offer are ATOP TECHNOLOGIES, JANZ TEC , ICP DAS and KORENIX.
- ATOP TECHNOLOGIES compact product brochure
- ATOP Technologies Product List 2021)
- Barcode and Fixed Mount Scanners - RFID Products - Mobile Computers - Micro Kiosks OEM Technology (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- Barcode Scanners (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- CISCO Start Catalog (Networking Equipment, Switches, Wireless Controllers, Wireless Access Points (WAP), Cloud Managed Access Points, Routers)
- Fixed Industrial Scanners (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- ICP DAS brand industrial communication and networking products brochure
- ICP DAS brand industrial Ethernet switch for rugged environments
- ICP DAS brand PACs Embedded Controllers & DAQ brochure
- ICP DAS brand Industrial Touch Pad brochure
- ICP DAS brand Remote IO Modules and IO Expansion Units brochure
- ICP DAS brand PCI Boards and IO Cards
- JANZ TEC brand compact product brochure
- Kiosk Systems (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- Kiosk Systems Accessories Guide (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- KORENIX brand compact product brochure
- Mobile Computers for Enterprises (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- Printers for Barcode Scanners and Mobile Computers (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
- RFID Readers - Scanners - Encoders - Printers (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish)
Dowload brochure for our DESIGN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM
Below is some fundamental information about networking devices that you may find useful.
List of computer networking devices / Common basic networking devices:
ROUTER: This is a specialized network device that determines the next network point where it can forward a data packet towards the destination of the packet. Unlike a gateway, it cannot interface different protocols. Works on OSI layer 3.
BRIDGE: This is a device connecting multiple network segments along the data link layer. Works on OSI layer 2.
SWITCH: This is a device that allocates traffic from one network segment to certain lines (intended destination(s)) which connect the segment to another network segment. So unlike a hub a switch splits the network traffic and sends it to different destinations rather than to all systems on the network. Works on OSI layer 2.
HUB: Connects multiple Ethernet segments together and makes them act as a single segment. In other words, a hub provides bandwidth which is shared among all the objects. A hub is one of the most basic hardware devices that connects two or more Ethernet terminals in a network. Therefore, only one computer connected to the hub is able to transmit at a time, contrary to switches, which provide a dedicated connection between individual nodes. Works on OSI layer 1.
REPEATER: This is a device to amplify and/or regenerate digital signals received while sending them from one part of a network to another. Works on OSI layer 1.
Some of our HYBRID NETWORK devices:
MULTILAYER SWITCH: This is a switch that besides switching on OSI layer 2, provides functionality at higher protocol layers.
PROTOCOL CONVERTER: This is a hardware device that converts between two different types of transmissions, such as asynchronous and synchronous transmissions.
BRIDGE ROUTER (B ROUTER): This piece of equipment combines router and bridge functionalities and therefore works on OSI layers 2 and 3.
Here are some of our hardware and software components that most often are placed on the connection points of different networks, e.g. between internal and external networks:
PROXY: This is a computer network service that allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services
FIREWALL: This is a piece of hardware and/or software placed on the network to prevent the type of communications that are forbidden by the network policy.
NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATOR: Network services provided as hardware and/or software that convert internal to external network addresses and vice versa.
Other popular hardware for establishing networks or dial-up connections:
MULTIPLEXER: This device combines several electrical signals into a single signal.
NETWORK INTERFACE CONTROLLER: A piece of computer hardware which allows the attached computer to communicate by network.
WIRELESS NETWORK INTERFACE CONTROLLER: A piece of computer hardware which allows the attached computer to communicate by WLAN.
MODEM: This is a device that modulates an analog ''carrier'' signal (such as sound), to encode digital information, and that also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information, as a computer communicating with another computer over the telephone network.
ISDN TERMINAL ADAPTER (TA): This is a specialized gateway for Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
LINE DRIVER: This is a device that increases transmission distances by amplifying the signal. Base-band networks only.