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Индустриски хемикалии и потрошен материјал
















There are many specialty chemicals that are use in the industry. Contact us if you would like to know how we can help you formulating and producing a specialty chemical product. We also offer some off-the-shelf chemical products that are used in various industrial applications such as the automotive and motor vehicle industries, electronic industry, optical industry, medical facilities, clean rooms, pharmaceutical plants.....etc.

Please note that we engineer, design and manufacture products to your needs and specifications. We can either manufacture products according to your specifications or, If desired, we can help you in choosing the right materials and designing the product.

You can click on the blue highlighted text below and download the industrial chemicals and consumables product brochures:

- Filters & Filtration Products & Membranes

- Private Label Aerosols and Sprays  We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Cleanroom Consumables and Apparel   We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Epoxy Solutions for Construction, Electrical, Industrial Assembly   (We can put your name, label, logo on these epoxies if you wish)

- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Car Care Products   We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Industrial Products  We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Marine Products   We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Products  We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

- Private Label Tapes for Every Application   We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish

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