Глобален прилагоден производител, интегратор, консолидатор, партнер за аутсорсинг за широк спектар на производи и услуги.
Ние сме ваш единствен извор за производство, изработка, инженерство, консолидација, интеграција, аутсорсинг на нарачано произведени и производи и услуги кои не се на полица. Ние, исто така, приватна етикета / бела етикета на вашите производи со името на вашиот бренд ако сакате.
Изберете го вашиот јазик
Прилагодено производство на делови, компоненти, склопови, готови производи, машини и индустриска опрема
Домашно и глобално договорно производство
Производство Аутсорсинг
Домашни, глобални набавки на индустриски производи
Приватно означување / Бело означување на вашите производи со вашето име на бренд
Услуги за пронаоѓање и лоцирање производи
Глобален дизајн и партнерство за канали
Инженерска интеграција
Инженерски услуги
Глобална консолидација, складирање, логистика
Индустриски и специјализирани и функционални текстил
Of interest to us are only specialty & functional textiles and fabrics and products made thereof that serve a particular application. These are engineering textiles of outstanding value, also sometimes referred to as technical textiles and fabrics. Woven as well as non-woven fabrics and cloths are available for numerous applications. Below is a list of some major types of industrial & specialty & functional textiles that are within our product development and manufacturing scope. We are willing to work with you on designing, developing and manufacturing your products made of:
Hydrophobic (water repellant) & hydrophilic (water absorbing) textile materials
Textiles and fabrics of extraordinary strength, durability and resistance to severe environmental conditions (such as bulletproof, high heat resistant, low-temperature resistant, flame resistant, inert or resistant against corrosive fluids and gases, resisting mildew formation….)
Antibacterial & Antifungal textiles and fabrics
UV protective
Electrically conductive & non-conductive textiles and fabrics
Antistatic fabrics for ESD control….etc.
Textiles and fabrics with special optical properties and effects (fluorescent…etc.)
Textiles, fabrics and cloths with special filtering capabilities, filter manufacturing
Industrial textiles such as duct fabrics, interlinings, reinforcement, transmission belts, reinforcements for rubber (conveyer belts, print blankets, cords), textiles for tapes and abrasives.
Textiles for the automotive industry (hoses, belts, airbags, interlinings, tires)
Textiles for construction, building and infrastructure products (concrete cloth, geomembranes, and fabric innerduct)
Composite multi-functional textiles having different layers or components for different functions.
Textiles made by activated carbon infusion on polyester fibers to provide cotton hand feel, odor release, moisture management and UV protection features.
Textiles made from shape memory polymers
Textiles for surgery and surgical implants, biocompatible fabrics
Please note that we engineer, design and manufacture products to your needs and specifications. We can either manufacture products according to your specifications or, If desired, we can help you in choosing the right materials and designing the product.
You can click on the blue highlighted text below and download these brochures. We can label these products with your name and logo if you wish:
- Private Label Cleanroom Consumables and Apparel
- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Car Care Products
- Private Label Nano Surface Protection Industrial Products