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  • Rapid Prototyping, Desktop Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, FDM

    Rapid Prototyping, Desktop Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Stereolithography, Polyjet, Fused Deposition Modeling, Selective Laser Sintering, FDM, SLS Адитив и брзо производство In recent years, we have seen an increase in demand for RAPID MANUFACTURING or RAPID PROTOTYPING. This process may be also called DESKTOP MANUFACTURING or FREE-FORM FABRICATION. Basically a solid physical model of a part is made directly from a three dimensional CAD drawing. We use the term ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING for these various techniques where we build parts in layers. Using integrated computer-driven hardware and software we perform additive manufacturing. Our rapid prototyping and manufacturing techniques are STEREOLITHOGRAPHY, POLYJET, FUSED-DEPOSITION MODELING, SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING, ELECTRON BEAM MELTING, THREE-DIMENSIONAL PRINTING, DIRECT MANUFACTURING, RAPID TOOLING. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Additive Manufacturing and Rapid Manufacturing Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. Rapid prototyping provides us: 1.) The conceptual product design is viewed from different angles on a monitor using a 3D / CAD system. 2.) Prototypes from nonmetallic and metallic materials are manufactured and studied from functional, technical and aesthetic aspects. 3.) Low cost prototyping in a very short time is accomplished. Additive manufacturing can be resembled to the construction of a loaf of bread by stacking and bonding individual slices on top of each other. In other words, the product is manufactured slice by slice, or layer by layer deposited onto each other. Most parts can be produced within hours. The technique is good if parts are needed very quickly or if quantities needed are low and making a mold and tooling is too expensive and time taking. However the cost of a part is expensive due to the expensive raw materials. Rapid Parts & Prototypes Brochure Download • STEREOLITHOGRAPHY : This technique also abbreviated as STL, is based on curing and hardening of a liquid photopolymer into a specific shape by focusing a laser beam on it. The laser polymerizes the photopolymer and cures it. By scanning the UV laser beam according to the programmed shape along the surface of the photopolymer mixture the part is produced from the bottom up in individual slices cascaded on top of each other. The scanning of the laser spot is repeated many times to achieve the geometries programmed into the system. After the part is completely manufactured, it is removed from the platform, blotted and cleaned ultrasonically and with alcohol bath. Next, it is exposed to UV irradiation for a few hours to make sure the polymer is fully cured and hardened. To summarize the process, a platform that is dipped into a photopolymer mixture and a UV laser beam are controled and moved through a servo-control system according tp the shape of the desired part and the part is obtained by photocuring the polymer layer by layer. Of course the maximum dimensions of the produced part are determined by the stereolithography equipment. • POLYJET : Similar to inkjet printing, in polyjet we have eight print heads that deposit photopolymer on the build tray. Ultraviolet light placed alongside the jets immediately cures and hardens each layer. Two materials are used in polyjet. The first material is for manufacturing the actual model. The second material, a gel-like resin is used for support. Both of these materials are deposited layer by layer and simultaneously cured. After the completion of the model, the support material is removed with an aqueous solution. Resins used are similar to stereolithography (STL). The polyjet has the following advantages over stereolithography: 1.) No need for cleaning parts. 2.) No need for postprocess curing 3.) Smaller layer thicknesses are possible and thus we get better resolution and can manufacture finer parts. • FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING : Also abbreviated as FDM, in this method a robot-controlled extruder head moves in two principle directions over a table. The cable is lowered and raised as needed. From the orifice of a heated die on the head, a thermoplastic filament is extruded and an initial layer is deposited on a foam foundation. This is accomplished by the extruder head that follows a predetermined path. After the initial layer, the table is lowered and subsequent layers are deposited on top of each other. Sometimes when manufacturing a complicated part, support structures are needed so that deposition can continue in certain directions. In these cases, a support material is extruded with a less dense spacing of filament on a layer so that it is weaker than the model material. These support structures can later be dissolved or broken off after the completion of the part. The extruder die dimensions determine the thickness of the extruded layers. The FDM process produces parts with stepped surfaces on oblique exterior planes. If this roughness is unacceptable, chemical vapor polishing or a heated tool can be used for smoothing these. Even a polishing wax is available as a coating material to eliminate these steps and achieve reasonable geometric tolerances. • SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING : Also denoted as SLS, the process is based on sintering of a polymer, ceramic or metallic powders selectively into an object. The bottom of the processing chamber has two cylinders: A part-build cylinder and a powder-feed cylinder. The former is lowered incrementally to where the sintered part is being formed and the latter is raised incrementally to supply powder to the part-build cylinder through a roller mechanism. First a thin layer of powder is deposited in the part-build cylinder, then a laser beam is focused on that layer, tracing and melting /sintering a particular cross section, which then resolidifies into a solid. The powder is areas that are not hit by the laser beam remain loose but still supports the solid portion. Then another layer of powder is deposited and the process repeated many times to obtain the part. At the end, the loose powder particles are shaken off. All these are carried out by a process-control computer using instructions generated by the 3D CAD program of the part being manufactured. Various materials such as polymers (such as ABS, PVC, polyester), wax, metals and ceramics with appropriate polymer binders can be deposited. • ELECTRON-BEAM MELTING : Similar to selective laser sintering, but using electron beam to melt titanium or cobalt chrome powders to make prototypes in vacuum. Some developments have been made to perform this process on stainless steels, aluminum and copper alloys. If the fatigue strength of the produced parts need to be increased, we use hot isostatic pressing subsequent to part manufacture as a secondary process. • THREE-DIMENSIONAL PRINTING : Also denoted by 3DP, in this technique a print head deposits an inorganic binder onto a layer of either nonmetallic or metallic powder. A piston carrying the powder bed is incrementally lowered and at each step the binder is deposited layer by layer and fused by the binder. Powder materials used are polymers blends and fibers, foundry sand, metals. Using different binder heads simultaneously and different color binders we can obtain various colors. The process is similar to inkjet printing but instead of obtaining a colored sheet we obtain a colored three dimensional object. The parts produced may be porous and therefore may require sintering and metal infiltration to increase its density and strength. Sintering will burn off the binder and fuse the metal powders together. Metals such a stainless steel, aluminum, titanium can be used to make the parts and as infiltration materials we commonly use copper and bronze. The beauty of this technique is that even complicated and moving assemblies can be manufactured very quickly. For example a gear assembly, a wrench as a tool can be made and will have moving and turning parts ready to be used. Different components of the assembly can be manufactured with different colors and all in one shot. Download our brochure on: Metal 3D Printing Basics • DIRECT MANUFACTURING and RAPID TOOLING : Besides design evaluation, troubleshooting we use rapid prototyping for direct manufacture of products or direct application into products. In other words, rapid prototyping can be incorporated into conventional processes to make them better and more competitive. For example, rapid prototyping can produce patterns and molds. Patterns of a melting and burning polymer created by rapid prototyping operations can be assembled for investment casting and invested. Another example to mention is using 3DP to produce ceramic casting shell and use that for shell casting operations. Even injection molds and mold inserts can be produced by rapid prototyping and one can save many weeks or months of mold making lead time. By only analyzing a CAD file of the desired part, we can produce the tool geometry using software. Here are some of our popular rapid tooling methods: RTV (Room-Temperature Vulcanizing) MOLDING / URETHANE CASTING : Using rapid prototyping can be used to make the pattern of the desired part. Then this pattern is coated with a parting agent and liquid RTV rubber is poured over the pattern to produce the mold halves. Next, these mold halves are used to injection mold liquid urethanes. The mold life is short, only like 0 or 30 cycles but enough for small batch production. ACES (Acetal Clear Epoxy Solid) INJECTION MOLDING : Using rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography, we produce injection molds. These molds are shells with an open end to allow filling with materials such as epoxy, aluminum-filled epoxy or metals. Again mold life is limited to tens or maximum hundreds of parts. SPRAYED METAL TOOLING PROCESS : We use rapid prototyping and make a pattern. We spray a zinc-aluminum alloy on the pattern surface and coat it. The pattern with the metal coating is then placed inside a flask and potted with an epoxy or aluminum-filled epoxy. Finally, it is removed and by producing two such mold halves we obtain a complete mold for injection molding. These molds have longer lives, in some cases depending on material and temperatures they can produce parts in the thousands. KEELTOOL PROCESS : This technique can produce molds with 100,000 to 10 Million cycle lives. Using rapid prototyping we produce an RTV mold. The mold is next filled with a mixture consisting of A6 tool steel powder, tungsten carbide, polymer binder and let to cure. This mold is then heated to get the polymer burned off and the metal powders to fuse. The next step is copper infiltration to produce the final mold. If needed, secondary operations such as machining and polishing can be performed on the mold for better dimensional accuracies. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Composites, Composite Materials Manufacturing, Fiber Reinforced

    Composites, Composite Materials Manufacturing, Particle and Fiber Reinforced, Cermets, Ceramic & Metal Composite, Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Lay-Up Process Производство на композити и композитни материјали Simply defined, COMPOSITES or COMPOSITE MATERIALS are materials consisting of two or multiple materials with different physical or chemical properties, but when combined they become a material that is different than the constituent materials. We need to point out that the constituent materials remain separate and distinct in the structure. The goal in manufacturing a composite material is to obtain a product that is superior than its constituents and combines each constituent’s desired features. As an example; strength, low weight or lower price may be the motivator behind designing and producing a composite. The type of composites we offer are particle-reinforced composites, fiber-reinforced composites including ceramic-matrix / polymer-matrix / metal-matrix / carbon-carbon / hybrid composites, structural & laminated & sandwich-structured composites and nanocomposites. The fabrication techniques we deploy in composite material manufacturing are: Pultrusion, prepreg production processes, advanced fiber placement, filament winding, tailored fiber placement, fiberglass spray lay-up process, tufting, lanxide process, z-pinning. Many composite materials are made up of two phases, the matrix, which is continuous and surrounds the other phase; and the dispersed phase which is surrounded by the matrix. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Composites and Composite Materials Manufacturing by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. • PARTICLE-REINFORCED COMPOSITES : This category consists of two types: Large-particle composites and dispersion-strengthened composites. In the former type, particle-matrix interactions cannot be treated on the atomic or molecular level. Instead continuum mechanics is valid. On the other hand, in dispersion-strengthened composites particles are generally much smaller in the tens of nanometer ranges. An example of large particle composite is polymers to which fillers have been added. The fillers improve the properties of the material and may replace some of the polymer volume with a more economical material. The volume fractions of the two phases influences the behaviour of the composite. Large particle composites are used with metals, polymers and ceramics. The CERMETS are examples of ceramic / metal composites. Our most common cermet is cemented carbide. It consists of refractory carbide ceramic such as tungsten carbide particles in a matrix of a metal such as cobalt or nickel. These carbide composites are widely used as cutting tools for hardened steel. The hard carbide particles are responsible for the cutting action and their toughness is enhanced by the ductile metal matrix. Thus we obtain the advantages of both materials in a single composite. Another common example of a large particle composite we use is carbon black particulates mixed with vulcanized rubber to obtain a composite with high tensile strength, toughness, tear and abrasion resistance. An example of a dispersion-strengthened composite is metals and metal alloys strengthened and hardened by the uniform dispersion of fine particles of a very hard and inert material. When very small aluminum oxide flakes are added to aluminum metal matrix we obtain sintered aluminum powder which has an enhanced high-temperature strength. • FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITES : This categoy of composites is in fact the most important. The goal to achieve is high strength and stiffness per unit weight. The fiber composition, length, orientation and concentration in these composites is critical in determining the properties and usefulness of these materials. There are three groups of fibers we use: whiskers, fibers and wires. WHISKERS are very thin and long single crystals. They are among the strongest materials. Some example whisker materials are graphite, silicon nitride, aluminum oxide. FIBERS on the other hand are mostly polymers or ceramics and are in polycrystalline or amorphous state. The third group is fine WIRES that have relatively large diameters and consist frequently of steel or tungsten. An example of wire reinforced composite is car tires that incorporates steel wire inside rubber. Depending on the matrix material, we have the following composites: POLYMER-MATRIX COMPOSITES : These are made of a polymer resin and fibers as the reinforcement ingredient. A subgroup of these called Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Composites contain continuous or discontinuous glass fibers within a polymer matrix. Glass offers high strength, it is economical, easy to fabricate into fibers, and is chemically inert. The disadvantages are their limited rigidity and stiffness, service temperatures being only up to 200 – 300 Centigrade. Fiberglass is suitable for automotive bodies and transportation equipment, marine vehicle bodies, storage containers. They are not suitable for aerospace nor bridge making due to limited rigidity. The other subgroup is called Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composite. Here, carbon is our fiber material in the polymer matrix. Carbon is known for its high specific modulus and strength and its capability to maintain these at high temperatures. Carbon fibers can offer us standard, intermediate, high and ultrahigh tensile moduli. Furthermore, carbon fibers do offer diverse physical and mechanical characteristics and therefore a suitable for various custom tailored engineering applications. CFRP composites can be considered to manufacture sports and recreational equipment, pressure vessels and aerospace structural components. Yet, another subgroup, the Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites are also high-strength and modulus materials. Their strength to weight ratios are outstandingly high. Aramid fibers are also known by trade names KEVLAR and NOMEX. Under tension they perform better than other polymeric fiber materials, but they are weak in compression. Aramid fibers are tough, impact resistant, creep and fatigue resistant, stable at high temperatures, chemically inert except against strong acids and bases. Aramid fibers are widely used in sporting goods, bulletproof vests, tires, ropes, fiber optic cable sheats. Other fiber reinforcement materials exist but are used to a lesser degree. These are boron, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide mainly. The polymer matrix material on the other hand is also critical. It determines the maximum service temperature of the composite because the polymer has generally a lower melting and degradation temperature. Polyesters and vinyl esters are widely used as the polymer matrix. Resins are also used and they have excellent moisture resistance and mechanical properties. For example polyimide resin can be used up to about 230 Degrees Celcius. METAL-MATRIX COMPOSITES : In these materials we use a ductile metal matrix and the service temperatures are generally higher than their constituent components. When compared to polymer-matrix composites, these can have higher operating temperatures, be nonflammable, and may have better degradation resitance against organic fluids. However they are more expensive. Reinforcement materials such as whiskers, particulates, continuous and discontinuous fibers; and matrix materials such as copper, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, superalloys are being commonly used. Example applications are engine components made of aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with aluminum oxide and carbon fibers. CERAMIC-MATRIX COMPOSITES : Ceramic materials are known for their outstandingly good high temperature reliability. However they are very brittle and have low values for fracture toughness. By embedding particulates, fibers or whiskers of one ceramic into the matrix of another we are able to achieve composites with higher fracture toughnesses. These embedded materials basically inhibit crack propagation inside the matrix by some mechanisms such as deflecting the crack tips or forming bridges across crack faces. As an example, aluminas that are reinforced with SiC whiskers are used as cutting tool inserts for machining hard metal alloys. These can reveal better performances as compared to cemented carbides. CARBON-CARBON COMPOSITES : Both the reinforcement as well as the matrix are carbon. They have high tensile moduli and strengths at high temperatures over 2000 Centigrade, creep resistance, high fracture toughnesses, low thermal expansion coefficients, high thermal conductivities. These properties make them ideal for applications requiring thermal shock resistance. The weakness of carbon-carbon composites is however its vulnerability against oxidation at high temperatures. Typical examples of usage are hot-pressing molds, advanced turbine engine components manufacturing. HYBRID COMPOSITES : Two or more different types of fibers are mixed in a single matrix. One can thus tailor a new material with a combination of properties. An example is when both carbon and glass fibers are incorporated into a polymeric resin. Carbon fibers provide low density stiffness and strength but are expensive. The glass on the other hand is inexpensive but lack the stiffness of carbon fibers. The glass-carbon hybrid composite is stronger and tougher and can be manufactured at a lower cost. PROCESSING OF FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITES : For continuous fiber-reinforced plastics with uniformly distributed fibers oriented in the same direction we use the following techniques. PULTRUSION: Rods, beams and tubes of continuous lengths and constant cross-sections are manufactured. Continuous fiber rovings are impregnated with a thermosetting resin and are pulled through a steel die to preform them to a desired shape. Next, they pass through a precision machined curing die to attain its final shape. Since the curing die is heated, it cures the resin matrix. Pullers draw the material through the dies. Using inserted hollow cores, we are able to obtain tubes and hollow geometries. The pultrusion method is automated and offers us high production rates. Any length of product is possible to produce. PREPREG PRODUCTION PROCESS : Prepreg is a continuous-fiber reinforcement preimpregnated with a partially cured polymer resin. It is widely used for structural applications. The material comes in tape form and is shipped as a tape. The manufacturer moulds it directly and fully cures it without the need to add any resin. Since prepregs undergo curing reactions at room temperatures, they are stored at 0 Centigrade or lower temperatures. After use the remaining tapes are stored back at low temperatures. Thermoplastic and thermosetting resins are used and reinforcement fibers of carbon, aramid and glass are common. To use prepregs, the the carrier backing paper is first removed and then the fabrication is carried out by laying of the prepreg tape onto a tooled surface (the lay-up process). Several plies may be laid up to obtain the desired thicknesses. Frequent practice is to alternate the fiber orientation to produce a cross-ply or angle-ply laminate. Finally heat and pressure are applied for curing. Both hand processing as well as automated processes are used for cutting prepregs and lay-up. FILAMENT WINDING : Continuous reinforcing fibers are accurately positioned in a predetermined pattern to follow a hollow and usually cyclindirical shape. The fibers first go through a resin bath and then are wound onto a mandrel by an automated system. After several winding repetitions desired thicknesses are obtained and curing is performed either at room temperature or inside an oven. Now the mandrel is removed and the product is demolded. Filament winding can offer very high strength-to-weight ratios by winding the fibers in circumferential, helical and polar patterns. Pipes, tanks, casings are manufactured using this technique. • STRUCTURAL COMPOSITES : Generally these are made up of both homogeneous and composite materials. Therefore the properties of these are determined by the constituent materials and geometrical design of its elements. Here are the major types: LAMINAR COMPOSITES : These structural materials are made of two dimensional sheets or panels with preferred high-strength directions. Layers are stacked and cemented together. By alternating the high-strength directions in the two perpendicular axes, we obtain a composite that has high-strength in both directions in the two-dimensional plane. By adjusting the angles of the layers one can manufacture a composite with strength in the preferred directions. Modern ski is manufactured this way. SANDWICH PANELS : These structural composites are lightweight but yet have high stiffness and strength. Sandwich panels consist of two outer sheets made of a stiff and strong material like aluminum alloys, fiber reinforced plastics or steel and a core in between the outer sheets. The core needs to be lightweight and most of the time have a low modulus of elasticity. Popular core materials are rigid polymeric foams, wood and honeycombs. Sandwich panels are widely used in the construction industry as roofing material, floor or wall material, and also in the aerospace industries. • NANOCOMPOSITES : These new materials consist of nanosized particles particles embedded in a matrix. Using nanocomposites we can manufacture rubber materials that are very good barriers to air penetration while maintaning their rubber properties unchanged. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Joining & Assembly & Fastening Processes, Welding, Brazing, Soldering

    Joining & Assembly & Fastening Processes, Welding, Brazing, Soldering, Sintering, Adhesive Bonding, Press Fitting, Wave and Reflow Solder Process, Torch Furnace Процеси на спојување и склопување и прицврстување We join, assemble and fasten your manufactured parts and turn them into finished or semi-finished products using WELDING, BRAZING, SOLDERING, SINTERING, ADHESIVE BONDING, FASTENING, PRESS FITTING. Some of our most popular welding processes are arc, oxyfuel gas, resistance, projection, seam, upset, percussion, solid state, electron beam, laser, thermit, induction welding. Our popular brazing processes are torch, induction, furnace and dip brazing. Our soldering methods are iron, hot plate, oven, induction, dip, wave, reflow and ultrasonic soldering. For adhesive bonding we frequently use thermoplastics and thermo-setting, epoxies, phenolics, polyurethane, adhesive alloys as well as some other chemicals and tapes. Finally our fastening processes consist of nailing, screwing, nuts and bolts, riveting, clinching, pinning, stitching & stapling and press fitting. - Screws and Fasteners (Standard and Specialty) (Click on the blue text above to download the brochure. We can private label these for you. In other words, we can put your name and logo on these products) - Screws for Furniture and Wood (Click on the blue text above to download the brochure. We can private label these for you. In other words, we can put your name and logo on these products) - Screws for Window and Door (Click on the blue text above to download the brochure. We can private label these for you. In other words, we can put your name and logo on these products) • WELDING : Welding involves joining of materials by melting the work pieces and introducing filler materials, that also joins the molten weld pool. When the area cools, we obtain a strong joint. Pressure is applied in some cases. Contrary to welding, the brazing and soldering operations involve only the melting of a material with lower melting point between the workpieces, and workpieces do not melt. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Welding Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. In ARC WELDING, we use a power supply and an electrode to create an electric arc that melts the metals. Welding point is protected by a shielding gas or vapor or other material. This process is popular for welding automotive parts and steel structures. In shelded metal arc welding (SMAW) or also known as stick welding, an electrode stick is brought close to the base material and an electric arc is generated between them. The electrode rod melts and acts as the filler material. The electrode also contains flux that acts as a layer of slag and gives off vapors that act as the shielding gas. These protect the weld area from environmental contamination. No other fillers are being used. The disadvantages of this process are its slowness, need to replace electrodes frequently, the need to chip away the residual slag originating from flux. A number of metals such as iron, steel, nickel, aluminum, copper…etc. Can be welded. Its advantages are its inexpensive tools and ease of use. Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) also known as metal-inert gas (MIG), we have continuous feeding of a consumable electrode wire filler and an inert or partially inert gas that flows around the wire against environmental contamination of the weld region. Steel, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals can be welded. The advantages of MIG are high welding speeds and good quality. The disadvantages are its complicated equipment and challenges faced in windy outdoor environments because we have to maintain the shielding gas around the welding area stable. A variation of GMAW is flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) which consists of a fine metal tube filled with flux materials. Sometimes the flux inside the tube is sufficient for protection from environmental contamination. Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) widely an automated process, involves continuous wire feeding and arc that is struck under a layer of flux cover. The production rates and quality are high, welding slag comes off easily, and we have a smoke free work environment. The disadvantage is that it can only be used to weld parts in certain positions. In gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) or tungsten-inert gas welding (TIG) we use a Tungsten electrode along with a separate filler and inert or near inert gases. As we know Tungsten has a high melting point and it is a very suitable metal for very high temperatures. The Tungsten in TIG is not consumed contrary to the other methods explained above. A slow but a high quality welding technique advantageous over other techniques in welding of thin materials. Suitable for many metals. Plasma arc welding is similar but uses plasma gas to create the arc. The arc in plasma arc welding is relatively more concentrated in comparison to GTAW and can be used for a wider range of metal thicknesses at much higher speeds. GTAW and plasma arc welding can be applied to more or less same materials. OXY-FUEL / OXYFUEL WELDING also called oxyacetylene welding, oxy welding, gas welding is carried out using gas fuels and oxygen for welding. Since no electric power is used it is portable and can be used where there is no electricity. Using a welding torch we heat the pieces and the filler material to produce a shared molten metal pool. Various fuels can be used such as acetylene, gasoline, hydrogen, propane, butane…etc. In oxy-fuel welding we use two containers, one for the fuel and the other for oxygen. The oxygen oxidizes the fuel (burns it). RESISTANCE WELDING: This type of welding takes advantage of joule heating and heat is generated at the location where electric current is applied for a certain time. High currents are passed through the metal. Pools of molten metal are formed at this location. Resistance welding methods are popular due to their efficiency, little pollution potential. However disadvantages are equipment costs being relatively significant and the inherent limitation to relatively thin work pieces. SPOT WELDING is one major type of resistance welding. Here we join two or more overlapping sheets or work pieces by using two copper electrodes to clamp the sheets together and pass a high current through them. The material between the copper electrodes heats up and a molten pool is generated at that location. The current is then stopped and the copper electrode tips cool the weld location because the electrodes are water cooled. Applying the right amount of heat to the right material and thickness is key for this technique, because if applied wrongly the joint will be weak. Spot welding has the advantages of causing no significant deformation to workpieces, energy efficiency, ease of automation and outstanding production rates, and not requiring any fillers. The disadvantage is that since welding takes place at spots rather than forming a continuous seam, the overall strength can be relatively lower as compared to other welding methods. SEAM WELDING on the other hand produces welds at the faying surfaces of similar materials. The seam can be butt or overlap joint. Seam welding starts at one end and moves progressively to the other. This method also uses two electrodes from copper to apply pressure and current to the weld region. The disc shaped electrodes rotate with constant contact along the seam line and make a continuous weld. Here too, electrodes are cooled by water. The welds are very strong and reliable. Other methods are projection, flash and upset welding techniques. SOLID-STATE WELDING is a bit different than the previous methods explained above. Coalescence takes place at temperatures below the melting temperature of the metals joined and with no use of metal filler. Pressure may be used in some processes. Various methods are COEXTRUSION WELDING where dissimilar metals are extruded through the same die, COLD PRESSURE WELDING where we join soft alloys below their melting points, DIFFUSION WELDING a technique without visible weld lines, EXPLOSION WELDING for joining dissimilar materials, e.g. corrosion resistant alloys to structural steels, ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE WELDING where we accelerate tubes and sheets by electromagnetic forces, FORGE WELDING that consists of heating the metals to high temperatures and hammering them together, FRICTION WELDING where with sufficient friction welding is performed, FRICTION STIR WELDING that involves a rotating non-consumable tool traversing the joint line, HOT PRESSURE WELDING where we press metals together at elevated temperatures below the melting temperature in vacuum or inert gases, HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSURE WELDING a process where we apply pressure using inert gases inside a vessel, ROLL WELDING where we join dissimilar materials by forcing them between two rotating wheels, ULTRASONIC WELDING where thin metal or plastic sheets are welded using high frequency vibrational energy. Our other welding processes are ELECTRON BEAM WELDING with deep penetration and fast processing but being an expensive method we consider it for special cases, ELECTROSLAG WELDING a method suitable for heavy thick plates and work pieces of steel only, INDUCTION WELDING where we use electromagnetic induction and heat our electrically conductive or ferromagnetic workpieces, LASER BEAM WELDING also with deep penetration and fast processing but an expensive method, LASER HYBRID WELDING that combines LBW with GMAW in the same welding head and capable of bridging gaps of 2 mm between plates, PERCUSSION WELDING that involves an electric discharge followed by forging the materials with applied pressure, THERMIT WELDING involving exothermic reaction between aluminum and iron oxide powders., ELECTROGAS WELDING with consumable electrodes and used with only steel in vertical position, and finally STUD ARC WELDING for joining stud to base material with heat and pressure. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Brazing, Soldering and Adhesive Bonding Processes by AGS-TECH Inc This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. • BRAZING : We join two or more metals by heating filler metals in between them above their melting points and using capillary action to spread. The process is similar to soldering but the temperatures involved to melt the filler are higher in brazing. Like in welding, flux does protect the filler material from atmospheric contamination. After cooling the workpieces are joined together. The process involves the following key steps: Good fit and clearance, proper cleaning of base materials, proper fixturing, proper flux and atmosphere selection, heating the assembly and finally the cleaning of brazed assembly. Some of our brazing processes are TORCH BRAZING, a popular method carried out manually or in an automated manner. It is suitable for low volume production orders and specialized cases. Heat is applied using gas flames near the joint being brazed. FURNACE BRAZING requires less operator skill and is a semi-automatic process suitable for industrial mass production. Both temperature control and control of the atmosphere in the furnace are advantages of this technique, because the former enables us to have controlled heat cycles and eliminate local heating as is the case in torch brazing, and the latter protects the part from oxidation. Using jigging we are capable to reduce manufacturing costs to a minimum. The disadvantages are high power consumption, equipment costs and more challenging design considerations. VACUUM BRAZING takes place in a furnace of vacuum. Temperature uniformity is maintained and we obtain flux free, very clean joints with very little residual stresses. Heat treatments can take place during vacuum brazing, because of the low residual stresses present during slow heating and cooling cycles. The major disadvantage is its high cost because the creation of vacuum environment is an expensive process. Yet another technique DIP BRAZING joins fixtured parts where brazing compound is applied to mating surfaces. Thereafter the fixtured parts are dipped into a bath of a molten salt such as Sodium Chloride (table salt) which acts as a heat transfer medium and flux. Air is excluded and therefore no oxide formation takes place. In INDUCTION BRAZING we join materials by a filler metal that has a lower melting point than the base materials. The alternating current from the induction coil creates an electromagnetic field which induces induction heating on mostly ferrous magnetic materials. The method provides selective heating, good joints with fillers only flowing in desired areas, little oxidation because no flames are present and cooling is fast, fast heating, consistency and suitability for high volume manufacturing. To speed up our processes and to assure consistency we frequently use preforms. Information on our brazing facility producing ceramic to metal fittings, hermetic sealing, vacuum feedthroughs, high and ultrahigh vacuum and fluid control components can be found here: Brazing Factory Brochure Brazing Machines (We private label these with your brand name and logo if you wish. This way you can promote your brand name when you resell these machines to your customers) • SOLDERING : In soldering we do not have melting of the work pieces, but a filler metal with a lower melting point than the joining parts that flows into the joint. The filler metal in soldering melts at lower temperature than in brazing. We use lead-free alloys for soldering and have RoHS compliance and for different applications and requirements we have different and suitable alloys such as silver alloy. Soldering offers us joints that are gas and liquid-tight. In SOFT SOLDERING, our filler metal has a melting point below 400 Centigrade, whereas in SILVER SOLDERING and BRAZING we need higher temperatures. Soft soldering uses lower temperatures but does not result in strong joints for demanding applications at elevated temperatures. Silver soldering on the other hand, requires high temperatures provided by torch and gives us strong joints suitable for high temperature applications. Brazing requires the highest temperatures and usually a torch is being used. Since brazing joints are very strong, they are a good candidates for repairing heavy iron objects. In our manufacturing lines we use both manual hand soldering as well as automated solder lines. INDUCTION SOLDERING uses high frequency AC current in a copper coil to facilitate induction heating. Currents are induced in the soldered part and as a result heat is generated at the high resistance joint. This heat melts the filler metal. Flux is also used. Induction soldering is a good method for soldering cyclinders and pipes in a continuous process by wrapping the coils around them. Soldering some materials such as graphite and ceramics is more difficult because it requires the plating of the workpieces with a suitable metal prior to soldering. This facilitates interfacial bonding. We do solder such materials especially for hermetic packaging applications. We manufacture our printed circuit boards (PCB) in high volume mostly using WAVE SOLDERING. Only for small quantity of prototyping purposes we use hand soldering using soldering iron. We use wave soldering for both through-hole as well as surface mount PCB assemblies (PCBA). A temporary glue keeps the components attached to the circuit board and the assembly is placed on a conveyor and moves through an equipment that contains molten solder. First the PCB is fluxed and then enters the preheating zone. The molten solder is in a pan and has a pattern of standing waves on its surface. When the PCB moves over these waves, these waves contact the bottom of the PCB and stick to the soldering pads. The solder stays on pins and pads only and not on the PCB itself. The waves in the molten solder has to be well controlled so there is no splashing and the wave tops do not touch and contaminate undesired areas of the boards. In REFLOW SOLDERING, we use a sticky solder paste to temporarily attach the electronic components to the boards. Then the boards are put through a reflow oven with temperature control. Here the solder melts and connects the components permanently. We use this technique for both surface mount components as well as for through-hole components. Proper temperature control and adjustment of oven temperatures is essential to avoid destruction of electronic components on the board by overheating them above their maximum temperature limits. In the process of reflow soldering we actually have several regions or stages each with a distinct thermal profile, such as preheating step, thermal soaking step, reflow and cooling steps. These different steps are essential for a damage free reflow soldering of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBA). ULTRASONIC SOLDERING is another frequently used technique with unique capabilities- It can be used to solder glass, ceramic and non-metallic materials. For example photovoltaic panels which are non-metallic need electrodes which can be affixed using this technique. In ultrasonic soldering, we deploy a heated soldering tip that also emits ultrasonic vibrations. These vibrations produce cavitation bubbles at the interface of the substrate with the molten solder material. The implosive energy of cavitation modifies the oxide surface and removes the dirt and oxides. During this time an alloy layer is also formed. The solder at the bonding surface incorporates oxygen and enables the formation of a strong shared bond between the glass and solder. DIP SOLDERING can be regarded as a simpler version of wave soldering suitable for only small scale production. First cleaning flux is applied as in other processes. PCBs with mounted components are dipped manually or in a semi-automated fashion into a tank containing molten solder. The molten solder sticks to the exposed metallic areas unprotected by solder mask on the board. The equipment is simple and inexpensive. • ADHESIVE BONDING : This is another popular technique we frequently use and it involves bonding of surfaces using glues, epoxies, plastic agents or other chemicals. Bonding is accomplished by either evaporating the solvent, by heat curing, by UV light curing, by pressure curing or waiting for a certain time. Various high performance glues are used in our production lines. With properly engineered application and curing processes, adhesive bonding can result in very low stress bonds that are strong and reliable. Adhesive bonds can be good protectors against environmental factors such as moisture, contaminants, corrosives, vibration…etc. Advantages of adhesive bonding are: they can be applied to materials that would otherwise be hard to solder, weld or braze. Also it can be preferable for heat sensitive materials that would be damaged by welding or other high temperature processes. Other advantages of adhesives are they can be applied to irregular shaped surfaces and increase assembly weight by very very small amounts when compared to other methods. Also dimensional changes in parts are very minimal. Some glues have index matching properties and can be used in between optical components without decreasing the light or optical signal strength significantly. Disadvantages on the other hand are longer curing times which may slow down manufacturing lines, fixturing requirements, surface preparation requirements and difficulty to disassemble when rework is needed. Most of our adhesive bonding operations involve the following steps: -Surface treatment: Special cleaning procedures such as deionized water cleaning, alcohol cleaning, plasma or corona cleaning are common. After cleaning we may apply adhesion promoters onto the surfaces to assure the best possible joints. -Part Fixturing: For both adhesive application as well as for curing we design and use custom fixtures. -Adhesive Application: We sometimes use manual, and sometimes depending on the case automated systems such as robotics, servo motors, linear actuators to deliver the adhesives to the right location and we use dispensers to deliver it at right volume and quantity. -Curing: Depending on the adhesive, we may use simple drying and curing as well as curing under UV lights that act as catalyst or heat curing in an oven or using resistive heating elements mounted on jigs and fixtures. Private Label Epoxy Solutions for Construction, Electrical, Industrial Assembly (Download brochure by clicking on blue text. We can put your name, label, logo on these epoxies if you wish) We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Fastening Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. • FASTENING PROCESSES : Our mechanical joining processes fall into two brad categories: FASTENERS and INTEGRAL JOINTS. Examples of fasteners we use are screws, pins, nuts, bolts, rivets. Examples of integral joints we use are snap and shrink fits, seams, crimps. Using a variety of fastening methods we make sure our mechanical joints are strong and reliable for many years of use. SCREWS and BOLTS are some of the most commonly used fasteners for holding objects together and positioning. Our screws and bolts meet ASME standards. Various types of screws and bolts are deployed including hex cap screws and hex bolts, lag screws and bolts, double ended screw, dowel screw, eye screw, mirror screw, sheet metal screw, fine adjustment screw, self-drilling and self-tapping screws, set screw, screws with built-in washers,…and more. We have various screw head types such as countersunk, dome, round, flanged head and various screw drive types such as slot, phillips, square, hex socket. A RIVET on the other hand is a permanent mechanical fastener consisting of a smooth cylindirical shaft and a head on the one hand. After insertion, the other end of the rivet is deformed and its diameter is expanded so that it stays in place. In other words, prior to installation a rivet has one head and after installation it has two. We install various types of rivets depending on application, strength, accessibility and cost such as solid/round head rivets, structural, semi-tubular, blind, oscar, drive, flush, friction-lock, self-piercing rivets. Riveting can be preferred in cases where heat deformation and change in material properties due to welding heat needs to be avoided. Riveting also offers light weight and especially good strength and endurance against shear forces. Against tensile loads however screws, nuts and bolts may be more suitable. In the CLINCHING process we use special punch and dies to form a mechanical interlock between sheet metals being joined. The punch pushes the layers of sheet metal into die cavity and results in the formation of a permanent joint. No heating and no cooling is required in clinching and it is a cold working process. It is an economical process that can replace spot welding in some cases. In PINNING we use pins which are machine elements used to secure positions of machine parts relative to each other. Major types are clevis pins, cotter pin, spring pin, dowel pins, and split pin. In STAPLING we use stapling guns and staples which are two-pronged fasteners used to join or bind materials. Stapling has the following advantages: Economical, simple and fast to use, the crown of the staples can be used to bridge materials butted together, The crown of the staple can facilitate bridging a piece like a cable and fastening it to a surface without puncturing or damaging, relatively easy removal. PRESS FITTING is performed by pushing parts together and the friction between them fastens the parts. Press fit parts consisting of an oversized shaft and an undersized hole are generally assembled by one of two methods: Either by applying force or taking advantage of thermal expansion or contraction of the parts. When a press fitting is established by applying a force, we either use a hydraulic press or a hand operated press. On the other hand when press fitting is established by thermal expansion we heat the enveloping parts and assemble them into their place while hot. When they cool they contract and get back to their normal dimensions. This results in a good press fit. We call this alternatively SHRINK-FITTING. The other way of doing this is by cooling the enveloped parts before assembly and then sliding them into their mating parts. When the assembly warms up they expand and we obtain a tight fit. This latter method may be preferable in cases where heating poses the risk of changing material properties. Cooling is safer in those cases. Pneumatic & Hydraulic Components and Assemblies • Valves, hydraulic and pneumatic components such as O-ring, washer, seals, gasket, ring, shim. Since valves and pneumatic components come in a large variety, we cannot list everything here. Depending on the physical and chemical environments of your application, we do have special products for you. Please specify us the application, type of component, specifications, environmental conditions such as pressure, temperature, liquids or gases that will be in contact with your valves and pneumatic components; and we will choose the most suitable product for you or manufacture it specially for your application. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Machine Elements Manufacturing, Gears, Gear Drives, Bearings, Keys, Splines

    Machine Elements Manufacturing, Gears, Gear Drives, Bearings, Keys, Splines, Pins, Shafts, Seals, Fasteners, Clutch, Cams, Followers, Belts, Couplings, Shafts Machine Elements Manufacturing Прочитај повеќе Ремени и синџири и склопување на кабелски погон Прочитај повеќе Gears & Gear Drive Assembly Прочитај повеќе Couplings & Bearings Manufacturing Прочитај повеќе Производство на клучеви и шилести и иглички Прочитај повеќе Производство на камери и следбеници и врски и тркала со стакленца Прочитај повеќе Производство на шахти Прочитај повеќе Производство на механички заптивки Прочитај повеќе Склопување на спојката и сопирачката Прочитај повеќе Производство на сврзувачки елементи Прочитај повеќе Склопување на едноставни машини MACHINE ELEMENTS are elementary components of a machine. These elements consist of three basic types: 1.) Structural components including frame members, bearings, axles, splines, fasteners, seals, and lubricants. 2.) Mechanisms controlling movement in various ways such as gear trains, belt or chain drives, linkages, cam and follower systems, brakes & clutches. 3.) Control components like buttons, switches, indicators, sensors, actuators and computer controllers. Most of the machine elements we offer you are standardized to common sizes, but custom made machine elements are also available for your specialized applications. Customization of machine elements can take place on existing designs that are in our downloadable catalogs or on brand new designs. Prototyping and manufacturing of machine elements can be carried forward once a design is approved by both parties. If new machine elements need to be designed & manufactured, our customers either email us their own blueprints and we review them for approval, or they ask us to design machine elements for their application. In the latter case we use all input from our customers and design the machine elements and send the finalized blueprints to our clients for approval. Once approved, we produce first articles and subsequently manufacture the machine elements according to the final design. At any stage of this work, in case a particular machine element design performs unsatisfactorily in the field (which is rare), we review the entire project and make alterations jointly with our clients as needed. It is our standard practice to sign nondisclosure agreements (NDA) with our customers for the design of machine elements or any other product whenever needed or required. Once machine elements for a particular customer are custom designed and manufactured, we assign a product code to it and only produce and sell them to our customer who owns the product. We reproduce the machine elements using the developed tools, molds and procedures as many times as needed and whenever our customer reorders them. In other words, once a custom machine element is designed and produced for you, the intellectual property as well as all tooling and molds are reserved and stocked indefinitely by us for you and the products reproduced as you wish. We also offer our clients engineering services by creatively combining machine elements into a component or assembly that serves an application and meets or exceeds our customers expectations. Plants fabricating our machine elements are qualified by either ISO9001, QS9000 or TS16949. In addition, most of our products do have CE or UL mark and meet internationally relevant standards such as ISO, SAE, ASME, DIN. Please click on submenus to obtain detailed information about our machine elements including: - Belts, Chains and Cable Drives - Gears and Gear Drives - Couplings & Bearings - Keys & Splines & pins - Cams & Linkages - Shafts - Mechanical Seals - Industrial Clutch & Brake - Fasteners - Simple Machines We have prepared a reference brochure for our customers, designers and developers of new products including machine elements. You can familiar yourself with some commonly used terms in machine components design: Download brochure for Common Mechanical Engineering Terms used by Designers and Engineers Our machine elements find applications in a variety of fields such as industrial machinery, automation systems, test and metrology equipment, transportation equipment, construction machines and practically anywhere you can think of. AGS-TECH develops and manufactures machine elements from various materials depending on application. Materials used for machine elements could range from molded plastics used for toys to case hardened and specially coated steel for industrial machinery. Our designers use state of the art professional software and design tools for developing machine elements, taking into consideration details such as angles in gear teeth, stresses involved, wear rates….etc. Please scroll through our submenus and download our product brochures and catalogs to see if you can locate off-the-shelf machine elements for your application. If you cannot find a good match for your application, please let us know and we will work with you to develop and manufacture machine elements that will fulfill your needs. If you are mostly interested in our engineering and research & development capabilities instead of manufacturing capabilities, then we invite you to visit our website where you can find more detailed information about our design, product development, process development, engineering consulting services and more КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Transmission Components, Belts, Chains, Cable Drives, Pulleys,AGS-TECH

    Transmission Components, Belts, Chains and Cable Drives, Conventional & Grooved or Serrated, Positive Drive, Pulleys Ремени и синџири и склопување на кабелски погон AGS-TECH Inc. offers you power transmission components including Belts & Chains & Cable Drive Assembly. With years of refinement, our rubber, leather and other belt drives have become lighter and more compact, capable of carrying higher loads at lower cost. Similarly, our chain drives have gone through much development over time and they offer our customers several advantages. Some advantages of using chain drives are their relatively unrestricted shaft center distances, compactness, ease of assembly, elasticity in tension without slip or creep, ability to operate in high-temperature environments. Our cable drives also offer advantages such as simplicity in some applications over other types of transmission components. Both off-shelf belt, chain and cable drives as well as custom fabricated and assembled versions are available. We can manufacture these transmission components to the right size for your application and from the most suitable materials. BELTS & BELT DRIVES: - Conventional Flat Belts: These are plain flat belts without teeth, grooves or serrations. Flat belt drives offer flexibility, good shock absorption, efficient power transmission at high speeds, abrasion resistance, low cost. Belts can be spliced or connected to make larger belts. Other advantages of conventional flat belts are they are thin, they are not subject to high centrifugal loads (makes them good for high speed operations with small pulleys). On the other hand they impose high bearing loads because flat belts require high tension. Other disadvantages of flat belt drives can be slipping, noisy operation, and relatively lower efficiencies at low and moderate speeds of operation. We have two types of conventional belts: Reinforced and Non-Reinforced. Reinforced belts have a tensile member in their structure. Conventional flat belts are available as leather, rubberized fabric or cord, non-reinforced rubber or plastic, fabric, reinforced leather. Leather belts offer long life, flexibility, excellent coefficient of friction, easy repair. However leather belts are relatively expensive, need belt dressing and cleaning, and depending on the atmosphere they may shrink or stretch. Rubberized fabric or cord belts are resistant to moisture, acid and alkalis. Rubberized fabric belts are made up of plies of cotton or synthetic duck impregnated with rubber and are the most economical. Rubberized cord belts consist of a series of plies of rubber-impregnated cords. Rubberized cord belts offer high tensile strength and modest size and mass. Non-reinforced rubber or plastic belts are fit for light-duty, low-speed drive applications. Non-reinforced rubber and plastic belts can be stretched into place over their pulleys. Plastic non-reinforced belts can transmit higher power as compared to rubber belts. Reinforced leather belts consist of a plastic tensile member sandwiched between leather top and bottom layers. Finally, our fabric belts may consist of a single piece of cotton or duck folded and sewn with rows of longitudinal stitches. Fabric belts are able to track uniformly and operate at high speed. - Grooved or Serrated Belts (such as V-Belts): These are basic flat belts modified to provide the advantages of another type of transmission product. These are flat belts with a longitudinally ribbed underside. Poly-V belts are longitudinally grooved or serrated flat belt with tensile section and a series of adjacent V-shaped grooves for tracking and compression purposes. Power capacity depends on belt width. V-belt is the workhorse of industry and are available in a variety of standardized sizes and types for transmission of almost any load power. V-belt drives operate well between 1500 to 6000 ft/min, however narrow V-belts will operate up to 10,000 ft/min. V-belt drives offer long life such as 3 to 5 years and allow large speed ratios, they are easy to install and remove, offer quiet operation, low maintenance, good shock absorption between belt driver and driven shafts. V-belts disadvantage is their certain slip and creep and therefore they may not be the best solution where synchronous speeds are required. We have industrial, automotive and agricultural belts. Stocked standard lengths as well as custom lengths of belts are available. All standard V-belt cross sections are available from stock. There are tables where you can calculate unknown parameters such as belt length, belt section (width & thickness) provided you know some parameters of your system such as driving and driven pulley diameters, center distance between pulleys and rotational speeds of the pulleys. You may use such tables or ask us to choose the right V-belt for you. - Positive Drive Belts (Timing Belt): These belts are also flat type with a series of evenly spaced teeth on the inside circumference. Positive drive or timing belts combine the advantages of flat belts with the positive-grip characteristics of chains and gears. Positive drive belts reveal no slippage or speed variations. A wide range of speed ratios is possible. Bearing loads are low because they can operate at low tension. They are however more susceptible to misalignments in pulleys. - Pulleys, Sheaves, Hubs for Belts: Different types of pulleys are used with flat, ribbed (serrated) and positive drive belts. We do manufacture them all. Most of our flat belt pulleys are made by casting of iron, but steel versions are also available in various rim and hub combinations. Our flat-belt pulleys may have solid, spoked or split hubs or we can manufacture as you desire. Ribbed and positive-drive belts are available in a variety of stock sizes and widths. At least one pulley in timing-belt drives must be flanged to keep the belt on the drive. For long center drive systems, it is recommended to have both pulleys flanged. Sheaves are the grooved wheels of pulleys and are generally manufactured by iron casting, steel forming or plastic moulding. Steel forming is suitable process to manufacture automotive and agricultural sheaves. We produce sheaves with regular and deep grooves. Deep-groove sheaves are well suitable when V-belt enters the sheave at an angle, such as is the case in quarter-turn drives. Deep grooves are also well suited for vertical-shaft drives and applications where vibration of belts can be a problem. Our idler pulleys are grooved sheaves or flat pulleys that do not serve transmitting mechanical power. Idler pulleys are used mostly for tightening belts. - Single and Multiple Belt Drives: Single belt drives have a single groove whereas multiple belt drives have multiple grooves. By clicking the relevant colored text below you can download our catalogs: - Power Transmission Belts (includes V-Belts, Timing Belts, Raw Edge Belts, Wrapped Belts and Specialty Belts) - Conveyor Belts - V-Pulleys - Timing Pulleys CHAINS & CHAIN DRIVES: Our power transmission chains have some advantages such as relatively unrestricted shaft center distances, easy assembly, compactness, elasticity under tension without slip or creep, ability of operation under high temperatures. Here are the major types of our chains: - Detachable Chains: Our detachable chains are made in a range of sizes, pitch and ultimate strength and generally from malleable iron or steel. Malleable chains are made in a range of sizes from 0.902 (23 mm) to 4.063 inch (103 mm) pitch and ultimate strength from 700 to 17,000 lb/square inch. Our detachable steel chains on the other hand are made in sizes from 0.904 inch (23 mm) to about 3.00 inch (76 mm) in pitch, with ultimate strength from 760 to 5000 lb/square inch. - Pintle Chains: These chains are used for heavier loads and slightly higher speeds to about 450 feet/min (2.2 m/sec). Pintle chains are made of individual cast links having full, round barrel end with offset sidebars. These chain links are intercoupled with steel pins. These chains range in pitch from about 1.00 inch (25 mm) to 6.00 inch (150 mm) and ultimate strengths between 3600 to 30,000 lb/square inch. - Offset-Sidebar Chains: These are popular in drive chains of construction machinery. These chains work at speeds to 1000 ft/min and transmit loads to about 250 hp. Generally each link has two offset sidebars, one bushing, one roller, one pin, a cotter pin. - Roller Chains: They are available in pitches from 0.25 (6 mm) to 3.00 (75 mm) inch. The ultimate strength of single-width roller chains range between 925 to 130,000 lb/square inch. Multiple-width versions of roller chains are available and transmit greater power at higher speeds. Multiple-width roller chains also offer smoother action with reduced noise. Roller chains are assembled from roller links and pin links. Cotter pins are used in detachable version roller chains. The design of roller chain drives requires subject expertise. Whereas belt drives are based on linear speeds, chain drives are based on the rotational speed of the smaller sprocket, which is in most installations the driven member. Besides horsepower ratings and rotational speed, the design of chain drives is based on many other factors. - Double-Pitch Chains: Basically the same as roller chains except that the pitch is twice as long. - Inverted Tooth (Silent) Chains: High speed chains used mostly for prime mover, power-takeoff drives. Inverted tooth chain drives can transmit powers up to 1200 hp and are made up of a series of tooth links, alternately assembled with either pins or a combination of joint components. Center-guide chain has guide links to engage grooves in the sprocket, and the side-guide chain has guides to engage the sides of the sprocket. - Bead or Slider Chains: These chains are used for slow speed drives and also in manual operations. By clicking the relevant colored text below you can download our catalogs: - Driving Chains - Conveyor Chains - Large Pitch Conveyor Chains - Stainless Steel Roller Chains - Hoisting Chains - Motorcycle Chains - Agricultural Machine Chains - Sprockets: Our standard sprockets conform to ANSI standards. Plate sprockets are flat, hubless sprockets. Our small and medium-size hub sprockets are turned from bar stock or forgings or made by welding a bar-stock hub to a hot-rolled plate. AGS-TECH Inc. can supply sprockets machined from gray-iron castings, cast steel and welded hub constructions, sintered powder metal, molded or machined plastics. For smooth operation at high speeds, proper selection of size of sprockets is essential. Space limitations is of course a factor we cannot ignore when choosing a sprocket. It is recommended that the ratio of driver to driven sprockets should be no more than 6:1, and the chain wrap on the driver is 120 degrees. Center distances between the smaller and larger sprockets, chain lengths and chain tension must also be chosen according to some recommended engineering calculations & guidelines and not randomly. Download our catalogs by clicking colored text below: - Sprockets and Plate Wheels - Transmission Bushings - Chain Coupling - Chain Locks CABLE DRIVES: These have their advantages over belts and chain drives in some cases. Cable drives can accomplish the same function as belts and may also be simpler and more economic to implement in some applications. For example, a new series of Synchromesh Cable Drives are designed for positive traction to replace conventional ropes, simple cables and cog drives, especially in tight spaces. The new cable drive is designed to provide high precision positioning in electronic equipment such as copying machines, plotters, typewriters, printers,….. etc. A key feature of the new cable drive is its ability to be used in 3D serpentine configurations which enable extremely miniature designs. Synchromesh cables can be used with lower tension when compared with ropes thus reducing power consumption. Contact AGS-TECH for questions and opinion on belts, chain and cable drives. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Glass and Ceramic Manufacturing, Hermetic Packages, Seals, Bonding

    Glass and Ceramic Manufacturing, Hermetic Packages Seals and Bonding, Tempered Bulletproof Glass, Blow Moulding, Optical Grade Glass, Conductive Glass, Molding Формирање и обликување на стакло и керамика The type of glass manufacturing we offer are container glass, glass blowing, glass fiber & tubing & rod, domestic and industrial glassware, lamp and bulb, precision glass moulding, optical components and assemblies, flat & sheet & float glass. We perform both hand forming as well as machine forming. Our popular technical ceramic manufacturing processes are die pressing, isostatic pressing, hot isostatic pressing, hot pressing, slip casting, tape casting, extrusion, injection moulding, green machining, sintering or firing, diamond grinding, hermetic assemblies. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Glass Forming and Shaping Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Technical Ceramic Manufacturing Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. These downloadable files with photos and sketches will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. • CONTAINER GLASS MANUFACTURE: We have automated PRESS AND BLOW as well as BLOW AND BLOW lines for manufacturing. In the blow and blow process we drop a gob into blank mold and form the neck by applying a blow of compressed air from top. Immediately following this, compressed air is blown a second time from the other direction through the container neck to form the pre-form of the bottle. This pre-form is then transferred to the actual mold, reheated to soften and compressed air is applied to give the pre-form its final container shape. More explicitly, it is pressurized and pushed against the walls of the blow mold cavity to take its desired shape. Finally, the manufactured glass container is transfered into an annealing oven for subsequent reheating and removal of stresses produced during the molding and is cooled in a controlled fashion. In the press and blow method, molten gobs are put into a parison mold (blank mold) and pressed into the parison shape (blank shape). The blanks are then transfered to blow molds and blown similar to the process described above under “Blow and Blow Process”. Subsequent steps like annealing and stress relieve are similar or the same. • GLASS BLOWING : We have been manufacturing glass products using conventional hand blowing as well as using compressed air with automated equipment. For some orders conventional blowing is necessary, such as projects involving glass art work, or projects that require a smaller number of parts with loose tolerances, prototyping / demo projects….etc. Conventional glass blowing involves the dipping of a hollow metal pipe into a pot of molten glass and rotating the pipe for collecting some amount of the glass material. The glass collected on the tip of the pipe is rolled on flat iron, shaped as desired, elongated, re-heated and air blown. When ready, it is inserted into a mould and air is blown. The mould cavity is wet to avoid contact of the glass with metal. The water film acts like a cushion between them. Manual blowing is a labor intensive slow process and only suitable for prototyping or items of high value, not suitable for inexpensive per piece high volume orders. • MANUFACTURING OF DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL GLASSWARE : Using various types of glass material a large variety of glassware is being produced. Some glasses are heat resistant and suitable for laboratory glassware whereas some are good enough for withstanding dishwashers for many times and are fit for making domestic products. Using Westlake machines tens of thousands of pieces of drinking glasses are being produced per day. To simplify, molten glass is collected by vacuum and inserted into moulds to make the pre-forms. Then air is blown into the moulds, these are transfered to another mould and air is blown again and the glass takes its final shape. Like in hand blowing, these moulds are kept wet with water. Further stretching is part of the finishing operation where the neck is being formed. Excess glass is burnt off. Thereafter the controlled re-heating and cooling process described above follows. • GLASS TUBE & ROD FORMING : The main processes we use for manufacturing of glass tubes are the DANNER and VELLO processes. In the Danner Process, glass from a furnace flows and falls on an inclined sleeve made of refractory materials. The sleeve is carried on a rotating hollow shaft or blowpipe. The glass is then wrapped around the sleeve and forms a smooth layer flowing down the sleeve and over the tip of the shaft. In the case of tube forming, air is blown through a blowpipe with hollow tip, and in the case of rod forming we use solid tips on the shaft. The tubes or rods are then drawn over carrying rollers. The dimensions like wall thickness and diameter of the glass tubes are adjusted to desired values by setting the diameter of the sleeve and blowing air pressure to a desired value, adjusting the temperature, rate of flow of glass and speed of drawing. The Vello glass tube manufacturing process on the other hand involves glass that travels out a furnace and into a bowl with a hollow mandrel or bell. The glass then goes through the air space between the mandrel and the bowl and takes the shape of a tube. Thereafter it travels over rollers to a drawing machine and is cooled. At the end of the cooling line cutting and final processing takes place. The tube dimensions can be adjusted just like in the Danner process. When comparing the Danner to Vello process, we can say that Vello process is a better fit for large quantity production whereas the Danner process may be a better fit for precise smaller volume tube orders. • PROCESSING OF SHEET & FLAT & FLOAT GLASS : We have large quantities of flat glass in thicknesses ranging from submilimeter thicknesses to several centimeters. Our flat glasses are of almost optical perfection. We offer glass with special coatings such as optical coatings, where chemical vapor deposition technique is used to put coatings such as antireflection or mirror coating. Also transparent conductive coatings are common. Also available are hydrophobic or hydrophilic coatings on glass, and coating that makes glass self-cleaning. Tempered, bulletproof and laminated glasses are yet other popular items. We cut glass into desired shape with desired tolerances. Other secondary operations such as curving or bending flat glass are available. • PRECISION GLASS MOLDING : We use this technique mostly for manufacturing precision optical components without the need for more expensive and time consuming techniques like grinding, lapping and polishing. This technique is not always sufficient for making the best of the best optics, but in some cases like consumer products, digital cameras, medical optics it can be a less expensive good option for high volume manufacturing. Also it has an advantage over the other glass forming techniques where complex geometries are required, such as in the case of aspheres. The basic process involves loading of the lower side of our mold with the glass blank, evacuation of the process chamber for oxygen removal, near closing of the mold, fast and isothermal heating of die and glass with infrared light, further closing of the mould halves to press the softened glass slowly in a controlled fashion to the desired thickness, and finally cooling of the glass and filling the chamber with nitrogen and removal of the product. Precise temperature control, mould closure distance, mould closure force, matching the coefficients of expansion of the mold and glass material are key in this process. • MANUFACTURE OF GLASS OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND ASSEMBLIES : Besides precision glass molding, there are a number of valuable processes we use for making high quality optical components and assemblies for demanding applications. Grinding, lapping and polishing of optical grade glasses in fine special abrasive slurries is an art and science for making optical lenses, prisms, flats and more. Surface flatness, waviness, smoothness and defect free optical surfaces require lots of experience with such processes. Small changes in environment can result in out of specification products and bring the manufacturing line to a stop. There are cases where a single wipe on the optical surface with a clean cloth can make a product meet the specifications or fail the test. Some popular glass materials used are fused silica, quartz, BK7. Also the assembly of such components requires specialized niche experience. Sometimes special glues are being used. However, sometimes a technique called optical contacting is the best choice and involves no material in between attached optical glasses. It consists of physically contacting flat surfaces to attach to each other without glue. In some cases mechanical spacers, precision glass rods or balls, clamps or machined metal components are being used to assemble the optical components at certain distances and with certain geometric orientations to each other. Let us examine some of our popular techniques for manufacturing high end optics. GRINDING & LAPPING & POLISHING : The rough shape of the optical component is obtained with grinding a glass blank. Thereafter lapping and polishing are carried out by rotating and rubbing the rough surfaces of the optical components against tools with desired surface shapes. Slurries with tiny abrasive particles and fluid are being poured in between the optics and the shaping tools. The abrasive particle sizes in such slurries can be chosen according to the degree of flatness desired. The deviations of critical optical surfaces from desired shapes are expressed in terms of wavelengths of the light being used. Our high precision optics have tenth of a wavelength (Wavelength/10) tolerances or even tighter is possible. Besides surface profile, the critical surfaces are scanned and evaluated for other surface features and defects such as dimensions, scratches, chips, pits, specks...etc. The tight control of environmental conditions in the optical manufacturing floor and extensive metrology and testing requirements with state-of-the-art equipment make this a challenging branch of industry. • SECONDARY PROCESSES IN GLASS MANUFACTURING: Again, we are only limited with your imagination when it comes to secondary and finishing processes of glass. Here we list some of them: -Coatings on glass (optical, electrical, tribological, thermal, functional, mechanical...). As an example we can alter surface properties of glass making it for example reflect heat so that it keeps building interiors cool, or make one side infrared absorbing using nanotechnology. This helps keep the inside of buildings warm because the outermost surface layer of glass will absorb the infrared radiation inside the building and radiate it back to the inside. -Etching on glass -Applied Ceramic Labeling (ACL) -Engraving -Flame polishing -Chemical polishing -Staining MANUFACTURING OF TECHNICAL CERAMICS • DIE PRESSING : Consists of uniaxial compaction of granular powders confined in a die • HOT PRESSING : Similar to die pressing but with the addition of temperature to enhance densification. Powder or compacted preform is placed into graphite die and uniaxial pressure is applied while the die is kept at high temperatures such as 2000 C. Temperatures can be different depending on the type of ceramic powder being processed. For complicated shapes and geometries other subsequent processing such as diamond grinding may be needed. • ISOSTATIC PRESSING : Granular powder or die pressed compacts are placed in airtight containers and then into a closed pressure vessel with liquid inside. Thereafter they are compacted by increasing the pressure vessel’s pressure. The liquid inside the vessel transfers the pressure forces uniformly over the entire surface area of the airtight container. The material is thus compacted uniformly and takes the shape of its flexible container and its internal profile and features. • HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING : Similar to isostatic pressing, but in addition to pressurized gas atmosphere, we sinter the compact at high temperature. Hot isostatic pressing results in additional densification and increased strength. • SLIP CASTING / DRAIN CASTING : We fill the mould with a suspension of micrometer sized ceramic particles and carrier liquid. This mixture is called “slip”. The mould has pores and therefore the liquid in the mixture is filtered into the mould. As a result, a cast is formed on the inner surfaces of the mould. After sintering, the parts can be taken out of the mould. • TAPE CASTING : We manufacture ceramic tapes by casting ceramic slurries onto flat moving carrier surfaces. The slurries contain ceramic powders mixed with other chemicals for binding and carrying purposes. As the solvents evaporate dense and flexible sheets of ceramic are left behind which can be cut or rolled as desired. • EXTRUSION FORMING : As in other extrusion processes, a soft mixture of ceramic powder with binders and other chemicals is passed through a die to acquire its cross-sectional shape and is then cut at desired lengths. The process is performed with cold or heated ceramic mixtures. • LOW PRESSURE INJECTION MOLDING : We prepare a mixture of ceramic powder with binders and solvents and heat it to a temperature where it can easily be pressed and forced into the tool cavity. Once the moulding cycle is complete, the part is ejected and the binding chemical is burned off. Using injection molding, we can obtain intricate parts at high volumes economically. Holes that are a tiny fraction of a milimeter on a 10mm thick wall are possible, threads are possible without forther machining, tolerances as tight as +/- 0.5% are possible and even lower when parts are machined, wall thicknesses in the order of 0.5mm to a length of 12.5 mm are possible as well as wall thicknesses of 6.5mm to a length of 150mm. • GREEN MACHINING : Using the same metal machining tools, we can machine pressed ceramic materials while they are still soft like chalk. Tolerances of +/- 1% are possible. For better tolerances we use diamond grinding. • SINTERING or FIRING : Sintering makes full densification possible. Significant shrinkage occurs on the green compact parts, but this is not a big problem since we take into account these dimensional changes when we design the part and tooling. Powder particles are bonded together and porosity induced by the compaction process is removed to great extent.. • DIAMOND GRINDING : The World’s hardest material “diamond” is being used to grind hard materials like ceramics and precision parts are obtained. Tolerances in the micrometer range and very smooth surfaces are being achieved. Due to its expense, we only consider this technique when we really need it. • HERMETIC ASSEMBLIES are those that practically speaking do not allow any exchange of matter, solids, liquids or gases between interfaces. Hermetic sealing is airtight. For example hermetic electronic enclosures are those that keep the sensitive interior contents of a packaged device unharmed by moisture, contaminants or gases. Nothing is 100% hermetic, but when we speak of hermeticity we mean that in practical terms, that there is hermeticity to the extent that the leak rate is so low that the devices are safe under normal environmental conditions for very long times. Our hermetic assemblies consist of metal, glass and ceramic components, metal-ceramic, ceramic-metal-ceramic, metal-ceramic-metal, metal to metal, metal-glass, metal-glass-metal, glass-metal-glass, glass-metal and glass to glass and all other combinations of metal-glass-ceramic bonding. We can for example metal coat the ceramic components so they can be strongly bonded to other components in the assembly and have excellent sealing capability. We have the know-how of coating optical fibers or feedthroughs with metal and soldering or brazing them to the enclosures, so no gases pass or leak into the enclosures. Therefore they are used for manufacturing electronic enclosures to encapsulate sensitive devices and protect them from the outer atmosphere. Besides their excellent sealing characteristics, other properties such as the thermal expansion coefficient, deformation resistance, non-outgassing nature, very long lifetime, nonconductive nature, thermal insulation properties, antistatic nature...etc. make glass and ceramic materials the choice for certain applications. Information on our facility producing ceramic to metal fittings, hermetic sealing, vacuum feedthroughs, high and ultrahigh vacuum and fluid control components can be found here: Hermetic Components Factory Brochure КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Wire & Spring Forming, Shaping, Welding, Assembly of Wires, Coil, CNC

    Wire & Spring Forming, Shaping, Welding, Assembly of Wires, Coil Compression Extension Torsion Flat Springs, Custom Wires, Helical Springs at AGS-TECH Inc. Формирање на жица и пружини Ние произведуваме жици по нарачка, склопување на жица, жици формирани во посакуваните 2D и 3D форми, жичени мрежи, мрежа, куќишта, корпа, ограда, жичана пружина, рамна пружина; торзија, компресија, напнатост, рамни пружини и многу повеќе. Нашите процеси се формирање на жица и пружина, цртање на жица, обликување, свиткување, заварување, лемење, лемење, дупчење, замавнување, дупчење, извиткување, мелење, навојување, премачкување, четири лизгање, формирање на лизгалки, намотување, намотување, вознемирување. Ви препорачуваме да кликнете овде за да ПРЕЗЕМЕТЕ ги нашите Шематски илустрации за процесите на формирање на жица и пружини од AGS-TECH Inc. Оваа датотека што може да се преземе со фотографии и скици ќе ви помогне подобро да ги разберете информациите што ви ги даваме подолу. • ЦРТАЊЕ НА ЖИЦА: Користејќи сили на истегнување, го истегнуваме металниот дел и го влечеме низ матрицата за да го намалиме дијаметарот и да ја зголемиме неговата должина. Понекогаш користиме серија матрици. Ние сме способни да правиме матрици за секој мерач на жица. Користејќи материјал со висока цврстина на истегнување, цртаме многу тенки жици. Нудиме и ладно и топло обработени жици. • ФОРМИРАЊЕ НА ЖИЦА: Ролна жица со мерење се свитка и се обликува во корисен производ. Имаме можност да формираме жици од сите мерачи, вклучително и тенки филаменти, како и дебели жици како што се оние што се користат како пружини под автомобилската шасија. Опремата што ја користиме за формирање на жица се рачни и CNC образувачи на жица, намотка, моќни преси, четири лизгачки, повеќе лизгачки. Нашите процеси се цртање, свиткување, исправање, израмнување, истегнување, сечење, вознемирување, лемење и заварување и лемење, склопување, намотување, замавнување (или крилја), пробивање, навојување на жица, дупчење, извиткување, брусење, обложување и површински третмани. Нашата најсовремена опрема може да се постави за да развие многу сложени дизајни од која било форма и тесни толеранции. Ние нудиме различни типови на краеви како сферични, зашилени или заоблени краеви за вашите жици. Повеќето од нашите проекти за формирање жица имаат минимални до нула трошоци за алат. Времето на пресврт на примерокот е генерално денови. Промените во дизајнот/конфигурацијата на жичаните форми може да се направат многу брзо. • SPRING FORMING: AGS-TECH произведува голем избор на пружини, вклучувајќи: -Торзија / Double Torsion Spring -Пружина на тензија / компресија -Постојана / Променлива пролет - Калем и спирален пружин -Рамен и лисна пролет -Баланс на пролет - Белвил мијалник -Негаторска пролет -Спирален пружина со прогресивна стапка - Бран пролет -Волут пролет - Заострените извори - Пролетни прстени - Спрингс на часовникот - Клипови Ние произведуваме пружини од различни материјали и можеме да ве водиме според вашата апликација. Најчести материјали се нерѓосувачки челик, хром силициум, високо-јаглероден челик, калено масло со низок јаглерод, хром ванадиум, фосфор бронза, титаниум, легура на бакар од берилиум, керамика со висока температура. Ние користиме различни техники во производството на пружини, вклучувајќи CNC намотување, ладно намотување, топло намотување, стврднување, завршна обработка. Други техники веќе споменати погоре за формирање на жица се исто така вообичаени во нашите пролетни производствени операции. • УСЛУГИ ЗА ЗАВРШУВАЊЕ за ЖИЦИ И ПРЕТВОРИ: Можеме да ги завршиме вашите производи на многу начини во зависност од вашиот избор и потреби. Некои вообичаени процеси што ги нудиме се: бојадисување, премачкување во прав, позлата, потопување на винил, анодизирање, ослободување од стрес, термичка обработка, шутирање, тублирање, хромат, никел без електроника, пасивација, печен емајл, пластичен слој, чистење со плазма. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Forging and Powdered Metallurgy, Die Forging, Heading, Hot Forging

    Forging and Powdered Metallurgy, Die Forging, Heading, Hot Forging, Impression Die, Near Net Shape, Swaging, Metal Hobbing, Riveting, Coining from AGS-TECH Inc. Метално ковање и металургија во прав The type of METAL FORGING processes we offer are hot and cold die, open die and closed die, impression die & flashless forgings, cogging, fullering, edging and precision forging, near-net-shape, heading, swaging, upset forging, metal hobbing, press & roll & radial & orbital & ring & isothermal forgings, coining, riveting, metal ball forging, metal piercing, sizing, high energy rate forging. Our POWDER METALLURGY and POWDER PROCESSING techniques are powder pressing and sintering, impregnation, infiltration, hot and cold isostatic pressing, metal injection molding, roll compaction, powder rolling, powder extrusion, loose sintering, spark sintering, hot pressing. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Forging Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Powder Metallurgy Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. These downloadable files with photos and sketches will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. In metal forging, compressive forces are applied and the material is deformed and the desired shape is obtained. The most common forged materials in industry are iron and steel, but numerous others such as aluminum, copper, titanium, magnesium are also widely forged. Forged metal parts have improved grain structures in addition to sealed cracks and closed empty spaces, thus the strength of parts obtained by this process is higher. Forging produces parts that are significantly stronger for their weight than parts made by casting or machining. Since forged parts are shaped by making the metal flow into its final shape, the metal takes on a directional grain structure that accounts for the superior strength of the parts. In other words, parts obtained by forging process reveal better mechanical properties as compared to simple cast or machined parts. The weight of metal forgings can range from small lightweight parts to hundreds of thousands of pounds. We manufacture forgings mostly for mechanically demanding applications where high stresses are applied on parts such as automotive parts, gears, work tools, hand tools, turbine shafts, motorcycle gear. Because tooling and set-up costs are relatively high, we recommend this manufacturing process only for high volume production and for low volume but high value critical components such as aerospace landing gear. Besides cost of tooling, the manufacturing lead times for large quantity forged parts can be longer compared to some simple machined parts, but the technique is crucial for parts that require extraordinary strength such as bolts, nuts, special application fasteners, automotive, forklift, crane parts. • HOT DIE and COLD DIE FORGING : Hot die forging, as the name implies is carried out at high temperatures, the ductility is therefore high and strength of material low. This facilitates easy deformation and forging. To the contrary, cold die forging is carried out at lower temperatures and requires higher forces which results in strain hardening, better surface finish and accuracy of the manufactured parts. • OPEN DIE and IMPRESSION DIE FORGING : In open die forging, the dies do not constrain the material being compressed, whereas in impression die forging the cavities within the dies restrict material flow while it is forged into desired shape. UPSET FORGING or also called UPSETTING, which is actually not the same but a very similar process, is an open die process where the work piece is sandwiched between two flat dies and a compressive force reduces its height. As the height is reduced, the work piece width increases. HEADING, an upset forging process involves cylindrical stock that is upset at its end and its cross section is increased locally. In heading the stock is fed through the die, forged and then cut to length. The operation is capable to produce high quantities of fasteners rapidly. Mostly it is a cold working operation because it is used to make nail ends, screw ends, nuts and bolts where the material needs to be strengthened. Another open die process is COGGING, where the work piece is forged in a series of steps with each step resulting in compression of the material and the subsequent motion of the open die along the length of the work piece. At each step, the thickness is reduced and length is increased by a small amount. The process resembles a nervous student biting his pencil all along in small steps. A process called FULLERING is another open die forging method we often deploy as an earlier step to distribute the material in the work piece before other metal forging operations take place. We use it when the work piece requires several forging operations. In the operation, die with convex surfaces deform and cause metal flow out to both sides. A similar process to fullering, EDGING on the other hand involves open die with concave surfaces to deform the work piece. Edging also a preparatory process for subsequent forging operations makes the material flow from both sides into an area in the center. IMPRESSION DIE FORGING or CLOSED DIE FORGING as it is also called uses a die / mold that compresses the material and restricts its flow within itself. The die closes and the material takes the shape of the die / mould cavity. PRECISION FORGING, a process requiring special equipment and mold, produces parts with no or very little flash. In other words, the parts will have near final dimensions. In this process a well controlled amount of material is carefully inserted and positioned inside the mold. We deploy this method for complex shapes with thin sections, small tolerances and draft angles and when the quantities are large enough to justify the mold and equipment costs. • FLASHLESS FORGING : The workpiece is placed in the die in such a way that no material can flow out of the cavity to form flash. No undesired flash trimming is thus needed. It is a precision forging process and thus requires close control of the amount of material used. • METAL SWAGING or RADIAL FORGING : A work piece is circumferentially acted upon by die and forged. A mandrel may as well be used to forge the interior work piece geometry. In the swaging operation the work piece typically receives several strokes per second. Typical items produced by swaging are pointed tip tools, tapered bars, screwdrivers. • METAL PIERCING : We use this operation frequently as an additional operation in the manufacturing of parts. A hole or cavity is created with piercing on the work piece surface without breaking through it. Please note that piercing is different than drilling which results in a through hole. • HOBBING : A punch with the desired geometry is pressed into the work piece and creates a cavity with the desired shape. We call this punch a HOB. The operation involves high pressures and is carried out at cold. As a result the material is cold worked and strain hardened. Therefore this process is very suitable for manufacturing molds, die and cavities for other manufacturing processes. Once the hob is manufactured, one can easily manufacture many identical cavities without the need to machine them one by one. • ROLL FORGING or ROLL FORMING : Two opposing rolls are used to shape the metal part. The work piece is fed into the rolls, the rolls turn and pull the work into the gap, the work is then fed through the grooved portion of the rolls and the compressive forces give the material its desired shape. It is not a rolling process but a forging process, because it is a discrete rather than a continuous operation. The geometry on the rolls groves forges the material to the required shape and geometry. It is performed hot. Because of being a forging process it produces parts with outstanding mechanical properties and therefore we use it for manufacturing automotive parts such as shafts that need to have extraordinary endurance in tough work environments. • ORBITAL FORGING : Work piece is put in a forging die cavity and forged by an upper die that travels in an orbital path as it revolves on an inclined axis. At each revolution, the upper die completes exerting compressive forces to the entire work piece. By repeating these revolutions a number of times, sufficient forging is performed. The advantages of this manufacturing technique are its low noise operation and lower forces needed. In other words with small forces one can revolve a heavy die around an axis to apply large pressures on a section of the work piece that is in contact with the die. Disc or conical shaped parts are sometimes a good fit for this process. • RING FORGING : We frequently use to manufacture seamless rings. Stock is cut to length, upset and then pierced all the way through to create a central hole. Then it is put on a mandrel and a forging die hammers it from above as the ring is slowly rotated until desired dimensions are obtained. • RIVETING : A common process for joining parts, starts with a straight metal piece inserted in pre made holes through the parts. Thereafter the two ends of the metal piece are forged by squeezing the joint between an upper and lower die. • COINING : Another popular process carried out by mechanical press, exerting large forces over a short distance. The name “coining” comes from the fine details that are forged on the surfaces of metal coins. It is mostly a finishing process for a product where fine details are obtained on the surfaces as a result of the large force applied by the die that transfers these details to the work piece. • METAL BALL FORGING : Products such as ball bearings require high quality precisely manufactured metal balls. In one technique called SKEW ROLLING, we use two opposing rolls that continuously rotate as the stock is being continuously fed into the rolls. At the one end of the two rolls metal spheres are ejected as the product. A second method for metal ball forging is using die that squeeze the material stock placed in between them taking the spherical shape of the mould cavity. Oftentimes balls produced require some additional steps such as finishing and polishing in order to become a high quality product. • ISOTHERMAL FORGING / HOT DIE FORGING : An expensive process performed only when the benefit / cost value is justified. A hot working process where the die are heated to about the same temperature as the work piece. Since both die and work are about the same temperature, there is no cooling and the flow characteristics of the metal are improved. The operation is a good fit for super alloys and materials with inferior forgeability and materials whose mechanical properties are very sensitive to small temperature gradients and changes. • METAL SIZING : It is a cold finishing process. Material flow is unrestricted in all directions with the exception of the direction in which the force is applied. As a result, very good surface finish and accurate dimensions are obtained. • HIGH ENERGY RATE FORGING : The technique involves an upper mold attached to the arm of a piston that is rapidly pushed as a fuel-air mixture is ignited by a spark plug. It resembles the operation of pistons in a car engine. The mold hits the work piece very fast and then returns to its original position very fast thanks to the backpressure. The work is forged within a few milliseconds and therefore there is no time for the work to cool down. This is useful for hard to forge parts that have very temperature sensitive mechanical properties. In other words the process is so fast that the part is formed under constant temperature throughout and the there won’t be temperature gradients at the mold/work piece interfaces. • In DIE FORGING, metal is beaten between two matching steel blocks with special shapes in them, called dies. When the metal is hammered between the dies, it assumes the same shape as the shapes in the die. When it reaches its final shape, it is taken out to cool. This process produces strong parts that are of a precise shape, but requires a larger investment for the specialized dies. Upset forging increases the diameter of a piece of metal by flattening it. It is generally used to make small parts, especially to form heads on fasteners like bolts and nails. • POWDER METALLURGY / POWDER PROCESSING : As the name implies, it involves manufacturing processes for making solid parts of certain geometries and shapes from powders. If metal powders are used for this purpose it is the realm of powder metallurgy and if non-metal powders are used it is powder processing. Solid parts are produced from powders by pressing and sintering. POWDER PRESSING is used to compact powders into desired shapes. First, the primary material is physically powdered, dividing it into many small individual particles. Powder mixture is filled into the die and a punch moves towards the powder and compacts it into the desired shape. Mostly performed at room temperature, with powder pressing a solid part is obtained and it is called green compact. Binders and lubricants are commonly used to enhance compactability. We are capable of powder press forming using hydraulic presses with several thousand tons of capacity. Also we have double action presses with opposing top & bottom punches as well as multiple action presses for highly complex part geometries. Uniformity which is an important challenge for many powder metallurgy / powder processing plants is no big problem for AGS-TECH because of our extensive experience in custom manufacturing such parts for many years. Even with thicker parts where uniformity poses a challenge we have succeeded. If we commit to your project, we will make your parts. If we see any potential risks, we will inform you in advance. POWDER SINTERING, which is the second step, involves the raising of temperature to a certain degree and maintenance of the temperature at that level for a certain time so that the powder particles in the pressed part can bond together. This results in much stronger bonds and strengthening of the work piece. Sintering takes place close to the melting temperature of the powder. During sintering shrinkage will occur, material strength, density, ductility, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity are increased. We do have batch and continuous furnaces for sintering. One of our capabilities is adjusting the level of porosity of the parts we produce. For example we are able to produce metal filters by keeping the parts porous to some degree. Using a technique called IMPREGNATION, we fill the pores in the metal with a fluid such as oil. We do produce for example oil impregnated bearings that are self-lubricating. In the INFILTRATION process we fill a metal’s pores with another metal of lower melting point than the base material. The mixture is heated to a temperature in between the melting temperatures of the two metals. As a result some special properties can be obtained. We also frequently perform secondary operations such as machining and forging on powder manufactured parts when special features or properties need to be obtained or when the part can be manufactured with less process steps. ISOSTATIC PRESSING : In this process fluid pressure is being used to compact the part. Metal powders are placed in a mold made of a sealed flexible container. In isostatic pressing, pressure is applied from all around, contrary to axial pressure seen in conventional pressing. The advantages of isostatic pressing are uniform density within the part, especially for larger or thicker parts, superior properties. Its disadvantage is long cycle times and relatively low geometric accuracies. COLD ISOSTATIC PRESSING is carried out at room temperature and the flexible mold is made of rubber, PVC or urethane or similar materials. Fluid used for pressurizing and compacting is oil or water. Conventional sintering of the green compact follows this. HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING on the other hand is carried out at high temperatures and the mould material is sheet metal or ceramic with high enough melting point that resists the temperatures. Pressurizing fluid is usually an inert gas. The pressing and sintering operations are performed in one step. Porosity is almost completely eliminated, a uniform grain structure is obtained. The advantage of hot isostatic pressing is that it can produce parts comparable to casting and forging combined while making materials that are not suitable for casting and forging possible to be used. Disadvantage of hot isostatic pressing is its high cycle time and therefore cost. It is suitable for critical parts of low volume. METAL INJECTION MOLDING : Very suitable process for producing complex parts with thin walls and detailed geometries. Most suitable for smaller parts. Powders and polymer binder are mixed, heated and injected into a mold. The polymer binder coats the surfaces of the powder particles. After molding, the binder is removed by either low temperature heating of dissolved using a solvent. ROLL COMPACTION / POWDER ROLLING : Powders are used to produce continuous strips or sheet. Powder is fed from a feeder and compacted by two rotating rolls into sheet or strips. The operation is carried out cold. The sheet is carried into a sintering furnace. The sintering process may be repeated a second time. POWDER EXTRUSION : Parts with large length to diameter ratios are manufactured by extruding a thin sheet metal container with powder. LOOSE SINTERING : As the name implies, it is a pressureless compaction and sintering method, suitable for producing very porous parts such as metal filters. Powder is fed into mold cavity without compacting. LOOSE SINTERING : As the name implies, it is a pressureless compaction and sintering method, suitable for producing very porous parts such as metal filters. Powder is fed into mold cavity without compacting. SPARK SINTERING : The powder is compressed in the mold by two opposing punch and a high power electric current is applied to the punch and passes through the compacted powder sandwiched in between them. The high current burns away surface films from the powder particles and sinters them with the heat generated. The process is fast because heat is not applied from outside but instead it is generated from within the mold. HOT PRESSING : The powders are pressed and sintered in a single step in a mold that can withstand the high temperatures. As the die compacts the powder heat is applied to it. Good accuracies and mechanical properties achieved by this method makes it an attractive option. Even refractory metals can be processed by using mold materials such as graphite. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНО МЕНИ

  • Sheet Metal Forming Fabrication, Stamping, Punching, Deep Drawing, CNC

    Sheet Metal Forming and Fabrication, Stamping, Punching, Bending, Progressive Die, Spot Welding, Deep Drawing, Metal Blanking and Slitting at AGS-TECH Inc. Печатење и изработка на лим We offer sheet metal stamping, shaping, forming, bending, punching, blanking, slitting, perforating, notching, nibbling, shaving, pressworking, fabrication, deep drawing using single punch / single stroke dies as well as progressive dies and spinning, rubber forming and hydroforming; sheet metal cutting using water jet, plasma, laser, saw, flame; sheet metal assembly using welding, spot welding; sheet metal tube bulging and bending; sheet metal surface finishing including dip or spray painting, electrostatic powder coating, anodizing, plating, sputtering and more. Our services range from rapid sheet metal prototyping to high volume manufacturing. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Sheet Metal Fabrication and Stamping Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. • SHEET METAL CUTTING : We offer CUTOFFS and PARTINGS. Cutoffs cut the sheet metal over one path at a time and there is basically no waste of material, whereas with partings the shape cannot be nestled precisely and therefore certain amount of material is wasted. One of our most popular processes is PUNCHING, where a piece of material round or other shape is cut out from sheet metal. The piece that is cut out is waste. Another version of punching is SLOTTING, where rectangular or elongated holes are punched. BLANKING on the other hand is the same process as punching, with the distinction of the piece being cut out is the work and is kept. FINE BLANKING, a superior version of blanking, creates cuts with close tolerances and straight smooth edges and does not require secondary operations for perfection of the workpiece. Another process we frequently use is SLITTING, which is a shearing process where sheet metal is cut by two opposing circular blades in a straight or curved path. Can opener is a simple example of the slitting process. Another popular process for us is PERFORATING, where many holes round or other shape are punched in sheet metal in a certain pattern. A typical example for a perforated product is metal filters with many holes for fluids. In NOTCHING, another sheet metal cutting process, we remove material from a work piece, starting at the edge or elsewhere and cut inward until the desired shape is obtained. It is a progressive process where each operation removes another piece until the desired contour is obtained. For small production runs we sometimes use a relatively slower process called NIBBLING which consists of many rapid punches of overlapping holes to make a larger more complex cut. In PROGRESSIVE CUTTING we use a series of different operations to obtain a single cut or a certain geometry. Finally SHAVING a secondary process helps us to improve edges of cuts that have already been made. It is used for cutting off the chips, rough edges on sheet metal work. • SHEET METAL BENDING : Besides cutting, bending is an essential process without which we would not be able to produce most products. Mostly a cold working operation but sometimes also performed when warm or hot. We use dies and press most of the time for this operation. In PROGRESSIVE BENDING we use a series of different punch and die operations to obtain a single bend or a certain geometry. AGS-TECH uses a variety of bending processes and makes the choice depending on the workpiece material, its size, thickness, desired size of bend, radius, curvature and angle of bend, location of bend, economy of operation, quantities to be manufactured…etc. We use V-BENDING where a V shaped punch forces the sheet metal into the V shaped die and bends it. Good for both very acute and obtuse angles and in between, including 90 degrees. Using wiping dies we perform EDGE BENDING. Our equipment enables us to obtain angles even larger than 90 degrees. In edge bending the workpiece is sandwiched between a pressure pad and the die, the area for bending is located on the die edge and the rest of the workpiece is held over space like a cantilever beam. When the punch acts on the cantilever portion, it is bent over the edge of the die. FLANGING is an edge bending process resulting in a 90 degree angle. Main goals of the operation are the elimination of sharp edges and obtaining geometric surfaces to ease the joining of parts. BEADING, another common edge bending process forms a curl over a part’s edge. HEMMING on the other hand results with an edge of the sheet that is bent completely over on itself. In SEAMING, the edges of two parts are bent over on each other and joined. DOUBLE SEAMING on the other hand provides watertight and airtight sheet metal joints. Similar to edge bending, a process called ROTARY BENDING deploys a cylinder with the desired angle cut out and serving as the punch. As the force is transmitted to the punch, it closes with the workpiece. The groove of the cylinder gives the cantilever portion the desired angle. The groove can have an angle smaller or larger than 90 degrees. In AIR BENDING, we do not need the lower die to have an angled groove. The sheet metal is supported by two surfaces on opposite sides and at a certain distance. The punch then applies a force at the right location and bends the workpiece. CHANNEL BENDING is performed using a channel shaped punch and die, and U-BEND is achieved with a U-shaped punch. OFFSET BENDING produces offsets on the sheet metal. ROLL BENDING, a technique good for thick work and bending of large pieces of metal plates, uses three rolls to feed and bend the plates to desired curvatures. Rolls are arranged so that the desired bend of the work is obtained. The distance and angle between the rolls is controlled to obtain the desired outcome. A moveable roll makes it possible to control the curvature. TUBE FORMING is another popular sheet metal bending operation involving multiple dies. Tubes are obtained after multiple actions. CORRUGATION is also performed by bending operations. Basically it is the symmetrical bending at regular intervals across an entire piece of sheet metal. Various shapes can be used for corrugating. Corrugated sheet metal is more rigid and has better resistance against bending and therefore has applications in the construction industry. SHEET METAL ROLL FORMING, a continuous manufacturing process is deployed to bend cross sections of a certain geometry using rolls and the work is bent in sequential steps, with the final roll completing the work. In some cases a single roll and in some cases a series of rolls are employed. • COMBINED SHEET METAL CUTTING & BENDING PROCESSES : These are the processes that cut and bend at the same time. In PIERCING, a hole is createdusing a pointed punch. As the punchwidens the hole in the sheet, the material is bent simultaneously into an internal flange for the hole. The flange obtained may have important functions. The LANCING operation on the other hand cuts and bends the sheet to create a raised geometry. • METAL TUBE BULGING AND BENDING : In BULGING some internal part of a hollow tube is pressurized, causing the tube to bulge outward. Since the tube is inside a die, the bulge geometry is controlled by the shape of the die. In STRETCH BENDING, a metal tube is stretched using forces parallel to the tube’s axis and bending forces to pull the tube over a form block. In DRAW BENDING, we clamp the tube near its end to a rotating form block that bends the tube while rotating. Lastly, in COMPRESSION BENDING the tube is held by force to a fixed form block, and a die bends it over the form block. • DEEP DRAWING : In one of our most popular operations, a punch, a matching die and a blank holder are used. The sheet metal blank is placed over the die opening and the punch moves towards the blank held by the blank holder. Once they come into contact, the punch forces the sheet metal into the die cavity to form the product. Deep drawing operation resembles cutting, however the clearance between the punch and die prevents the sheet from being cut. Another factor assuring the sheet is deep drawn and not cut are the rounded corners on the die and punch which prevents the shearing and cutting. To achieve a greater magnitude of deep drawing, a REDRAWING process is being deployed where a subsequent deep drawing takes place on a part that has already undergone a deep drawing process. In REVERSE REDRAWING, the deep drawn part is flipped over and drawn in the opposite direction. Deep drawing can provide irregular shaped objects such as domed, tapered or stepped cups, In EMBOSSING we use a male and female die pair to impress the sheet metal with a design or script. • SPINNING : An operation where a flat or preformed workpiece is held between a rotating mandrel and tail stock and a tool applies localized pressure to the work as it gradually moves up the mandrel. As a result, the workpiece is wrapped over the mandrel and takes its shape. We use this technique as an alternative to deep drawing where the quantity of an order is small, the parts are large (diameters up to 20 feet) and have unique curves. Even though the per piece prices are generally higher, the set-up costs for CNC spinning operation are low compared to deep drawing. To the contrary, deep drawing requires high initial investment for set-up, but the per piece costs are low when high quantity of parts are produced. Another version of this process is SHEAR SPINNING, where there is also metal flow within the workpiece. The metal flow will reduce the thickness of the workpiece as the process is carried out. Yet another related process is TUBE SPINNING, which is applied on cylindirical parts. Also in this process there is metal flow within the workpiece. The thickness is thus reduced and the tube’s length is increased. The tool can be moved to create features on the inside or outside of the tube. • RUBBER FORMING OF SHEET METAL : Rubber or polyurethane material is put in a container die and the work piece is placed on the surface of the rubber. A punch is then acted upon the work piece and forces it into the rubber. Since the pressure generated by the rubber is low, the depth of parts produced is limited. Since tooling costs are low, the process is suitable for low quantity production. • HYDROFORMING : Similar to rubber forming, in this process sheet metal work is pressed by a punch into a pressurized liquid inside a chamber. The sheet metal work is sandwiched between the punch and a rubber diaphragm. The diaphragm surrounds the workpiece completely and the pressure of the fluid forces it to form on the punch. Very deep draws even deeper than in the deep drawing process can be obtained with this technique. We manufacture single-punch dies as well as progessive dies depending on your part. Single stroke stamping dies are a cost effective method for producing large quantities of simple sheet metal parts such as washers quickly. Progressive dies or the deep drawing technique are used for manufacturing more complex geometries. Depending on your case, waterjet, laser or plasma cutting can be used to produce your sheet metal parts inexpensively, fast and accurately. Many suppliers have no idea about these alternative techniques or do not have it and therefore they go through lengthy and expensive ways of making dies and tools that only waste customers time and money. If you require custom built sheet metal components such as enclosures, electronic housings...etc as fast as within days, then contact us for our RAPID SHEET METAL PROTOTYPING service. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНО МЕНИ

  • Plastic Rubber Metal Extrusions, Extrusion Dies, Aluminum Extruding

    Plastic Rubber Metal Extrusions, Extrusion Dies, Aluminum Extruding, Pipe Tube Forming, Plastic Profiles, Metal Profiles Manufacturing, PVC at AGS-TECH Inc. Екструзии, екструдирани производи, екструдити We use the EXTRUSION process to manufacture products with a fixed cross sectional profile such as tubes, pipes and heat sinks. Even though many materials can be extruded, our most common extrusions are made of metal, polymers / plastic, ceramic obtained by either cold, warm or hot extrusion method. We call the extruded parts extrudate or extrudates if plural. Some specialized versions of the process we also perform are overjacketing, coextrusion and compound extrusion. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Metal Ceramic and Plastic Extrusion Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. In extrusion material to be extruded is pushed or drawn through a die that has the desired cross-sectional profile. The process can be used to manufacture complex cross-sections with excellent surface finish and to work on brittle material. One can produce any length of parts using this process. To simplify the process steps: 1.) In warm or hot extrusions the material is heated and loaded into a container in the press. The material is pressed and pushed out of the die. 2.) Produced extrudate is is stretched for straightening, heat treated or cold worked for enhancing its properties. On the other hand COLD EXTRUSION takes place at around room temperature and has the advantages of less oxidation, high strength, closer tolerances, good surface finish and fastness. WARM EXTRUSION is performed above room temperature but below recrystallization point. It offers a compromise and balance for required forces, ductility and material properties and is therefore the choice for some applications. HOT EXTRUSION takes place above the material’s recrystallization temperature. This way it is easier to push the material through the die. However the equipment cost is high. The more complex an extruded profile, the more costly is the die (tooling) and the lower is the rate of production. The die cross sections as well as thicknesses have limitations that depend on the material to be extruded. Sharp corners in extrusion dies are always undesirable and to be avoided unless necessary. According to the material that is being extruded, we offer: • METAL EXTRUSIONS : Most common ones we produce are aluminum, brass, zinc, copper, steel, titanium, magnesium • PLASTIC EXTRUSION : Plastic is melted and formed into a continuous profile. Our common materials processed are polyethylene, nylon, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, ABS plastic, polycarbonate, acrylic. Typical products we manufacture include pipes and tubing, plastic frames. In the process small plastic beads / resin is gravity fed from hopper into barrel of the extrusion machine. Frequently we also mix colorants or other additives into hopper to give the product the required specifications and properties. The material entering the heated barrel is forced by the rotating screw to leave the barrel at the end and move through the screen pack for removal of contaminants in the molten plastic. After passing the screen pack the plastic enters the extrusion die. The die gives the moving soft plastic its profile shape as it passes through. Now the extrudate goes through a water bath for cooling. Other techniques AGS-TECH Inc. has been using for many years are: • PIPE & TUBING EXTRUSION : Plastic pipes and tubes are formed when plastics is extruded through a round shaping die and cooled in a water bath, then cut to length or coiled / spooled. Clear or colored, striped, single or dual wall, flexible or rigid, PE, PP, polyurethane, PVC, nylon, PC, silicone, vinyl or else, we have it all. We have stocked tubes as well as the capability to produce according to your specifications. AGS-TECH manufactures tubing to FDA, UL, and LE requirements for medical, electric & electronic, industrial and other applications. • OVERJACKETING / OVER JACKETING EXTRUSION : This technique applies an outer layer of plastic onto existing wire or cable. Our insulation wires are manufactured with this method. • COEXTRUSION : Multiple layers of material are simultaneously extruded. The multiple layers are delivered by multiple extruders. The various layer thicknesses can be adjusted to meet customer specifications. This process makes it possible to use multiple polymers each having a different functionality in the product. As a result, one can optimize a range of properties. • COMPOUND EXTRUSION: A single or multiple polymers are mixed with additives to obtain a plastic compound. Our twin-screw extruders produce compounding extrusions. Extrusion dies are generally inexpensive compared to metal moulds. If you are paying much more than a few thousand dollars for a small or medium size extrusion die extruding aluminum, you are probably paying too much. We are experts in determining which technique is the most cost effective, fastest and most suitable for your application. Sometimes extruding and then machining a part can save you a lot of cash. Before making a firm decision, ask us our opinion first. We have helped many customers make the right decisions. For some widely used metal extrusions, you can download our brochures and catalogs by clicking on the colored text below. If it is an off-shelf product meeting your requirements, it will be more economical. Download our medical tube and pipe extrusion capabilities Download our extruded heat sinks • SECONDARY MANUFACTURING & FABRICATION PROCESSES FOR EXTRUSIONS : Among value added processes we offer for extruded products are: -Custom tube & pipe bending, forming and shaping, tube cutoff, tube end forming, tube coiling, machining and finishing, hole drilling & piercing & punching, -Custom pipe and tube assemblies, tubular assembly, welding, brazing and soldering -Custom extrusion bending, forming and shaping -Cleaning, degreasing, pickling, passivation, polishing, anodizing, plating, painting, heat treating, annealing and hardening, marking, engraving and labeling, custom packaging. КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Casting and Machined Parts, CNC Manufacturing, Milling, Turning, Swiss

    Casting and Machined Parts, CNC Manufacturing, Milling, Turning, Swiss Type Machining, Die Casting, Investment Casting, Lost Foam Cast Parts from AGS-TECH Inc. Лиење и обработка Our custom casting and machining techniques are expendable and non-expendable castings, ferrous and nonferrous casting, sand, die, centrifugal, continuous, ceramic mold, investment, lost foam, near-net-shape, permanent mold (gravity die casting), plaster mold (plaster casting) and shell castings, machined parts produced by milling and turning using conventional as well as CNC equipment, swiss type machining for high throughput inexpensive small precision parts, screw machining for fasteners, non-conventional machining. Please keep in mind that besides metals and metal alloys, we machine ceramic, glass and plastic components as well in some cases when manufacturing a mould is not appealing or not the option. Machining of polymer materials requires the specialized experience we have because of the challenge plastics and rubber presents due to their softness, non-rigidity...etc. For machining of ceramic and glass, please see our page on Non-Conventional Fabrication. AGS-TECH Inc. manufactures and supplies both lightweight and heavy castings. We have been supplying metal castings and machined parts for boilers, heat exchangers, automobiles, micromotors, wind turbines, food packaging equipment and more. We recommend that you click here to DOWNLOAD our Schematic Illustrations of Machining and Casting Processes by AGS-TECH Inc. This will help you better understand the information we are providing you below. Let’s look at some of the various techniques we offer in detail: • EXPENDABLE MOLD CASTING : This broad category refers to methods that involve temporary and non-reusable molds. Examples are sand, plaster, shell, investment (also called lost-wax) and plaster casting. • SAND CASTING : A process where sand is used as the mold material. A very old method and still very popular to the extent that the majority of metal castings produced are made by this technique . Low cost even at low quantity production. Suitable for small and large parts manufacturing. The technique can be used to manufacture parts within days or weeks with very little investment. The moist sand is bonded together using clay, binders or special oils. Sand is generally contained in mold boxes and cavity & gate system are created by compacting the sand around models. The processes are: 1.) Placing of the model in sand to make the mold 2.) Incorporation of model and sand in a gating system 3.) Removal of model 4.) Filling of mold cavity with molten metal 5.) Cooling of the metal 6.) Breaking the sand mold and removal of the casting • PLASTER MOLD CASTING : Similar to sand casting, and instead of sand, plaster of paris is being used as the mold material. Short production lead times like sand casting and inexpensive. Good dimensional tolerances and surface finish. Its major disadvantage is that it can only be used with low melting point metals like aluminum and zinc. • SHELL MOLD CASTING : Also similar to sand casting. Mold cavity obtained by hardened shell of sand and thermosetting resin binder instead of flask filled with sand as in sand casting process. Almost any metal suitable to be cast by sand can be cast by shell molding. The process can be summarized as: 1.) Manufacturing of the shell mold. Sand used is of a much smaller grain size when compared to sand used in sand casting. The fine sand is mixed with thermosetting resin. The metal pattern is coated with a parting agent to make removal of the shell easier. Thereafter the metal pattern is heated and the sand mixture is pored or blown onto the hot casting pattern. A thin shell forms on the surface of the pattern. The thickness of this shell can be adjusted by varying the length of time the sand resin mixture is in contact with the metal pattern. The loose sand is then removed with the shell covered pattern remaining. 2.) Next, the shell and pattern are heated in an oven so that the shell hardens. After hardening is complete, the shell is ejected from pattern using pins built into the pattern. 3.) Two such shells are assembled together by gluing or clamping and make up the complete mold. Now the shell mold is inserted into a container in which it is supported by sand or metal shot during the casting process. 4.) Now the hot metal can be poured into the shell mold. Advantages of shell casting are products with very good surface finish, possibility of manufacturing complex parts with high dimensional accuracy, process easy to automate, economical for large volume production. Disadvantages are the molds necessitate good ventilation because of gases that are created when molten metal contacts the binder chemical, the thermosetting resins and metal patterns are expensive. Due to the cost of metal patterns, the technique may not suit well for low quantity production runs. • INVESTMENT CASTING ( also known as LOST-WAX CASTING ): Also a very old technique and suitable for manufacturing quality parts with high accuracy, repeatability, versatility and integrity from many metals, refractory materials and special high performance alloys. Small as well as large sized parts can be produced. An expensive process when compared to some of the other methods, but major advantage is the possibility to produce parts with near net shape, intricate contours and details. So the cost is somewhat offset by the elimination of rework and machining in some cases. Even though there can be variations, here is a summary of the general investment casting process: 1.) Creation of original master pattern from wax or plastic. Each casting needs one pattern as these are destroyed in the process. Mold from which patterns are manufactured is also needed and most of the time the mold is cast or machined. Because the mold does not need to be opened, complex castings can be achieved, many wax patterns can be connected like the branches of a tree and poured together, thus enabling production of multiple parts from a single pouring of the metal or metal alloy. 2.) Next, the pattern is dipped or poured over with a refractory slurry composed of very fine grained silica, water, binders. This results in a ceramic layer over the surface of the pattern. The refractory coat on pattern is left to dry and harden. This step is where the name investment casting comes from: Refractory slurry is invested over the wax pattern. 3.) At this step, the hardened ceramic mould is turned upside down and heated so that the wax melts and pours out of the mould. A cavity is left behind for the metal casting. 4.) After the wax is out, the ceramic mold is heated to even a higher temperature which results in strengthening of the mold. 5.) Metal casting is poured into the hot mold filling all intricate sections. 6.) Casting is allowed to solidify 7.) Finally the ceramic mould is broken and manufactured parts are cut from the tree. Here is a link to Investment Casting Plant Brochure • EVAPORATIVE PATTERN CASTING : The process uses a pattern made from a material such as polystyrene foam that will evaporate when hot molten metal is poured into the mold. There are two types of this process: LOST FOAM CASTING which uses unbonded sand and FULL MOLD CASTING which uses bonded sand. Here are the general process steps: 1.) Manufacture the pattern from a material such as polystyrene. When large quantities will be manufactured, the pattern is molded. If part has a complex shape, several sections of such foam material may need to be adhered together to form the pattern. We often coat the pattern with a refractory compound to create a good surface finish on the casting. 2.) The pattern is then put into molding sand. 3.) The molten metal is poured into the mould, evaporating the foam pattern, i.e. polystyrene in most cases as it flows through the mold cavity. 4.) The molten metal is left in the sand mold to harden. 5.) After it is hardened, we remove the casting. In some cases, the product we manufacture requires a core within the pattern. In evaporative casting, there is no need to place and secure a core in the mold cavity. The technique is suitable for manufacturing of very complex geometries, it can be easily automated for high volume production, and there are no parting lines in the cast part. The basic process is simple and economical to implement. For large volume production, since a die or mold is needed to produce the patterns from polystyrene, this may be somewhat costly. • NON-EXPANDABLE MOLD CASTING : This broad category refers to methods where the mold does not need to be reformed after each production cycle. Examples are permanent, die, continuous and centrifugal casting. Repeatability is obtained and parts can be characterized as NEAR NET SHAPE. • PERMANENT MOLD CASTING : Reusable molds made from metal are used for multiple castings. A permanent mold can generally be used for tens of thousands of times before it wears out. Gravity, gass pressure or vacuum are generally used to fill the mould. Molds (also called die) is generally made of iron, steel, ceramic or other metals. The general process is: 1.) Machine and create the mould. It is common to machine the mold out of two metal blocks that fit together and can be opened and closed. Both the part features as well as the gating system is generally machined into the casting mould. 2.) The internal mold surfaces are coated with a slurry incorporating refractory materials. This helps to control heat flow and acts as a lubricant for easy removal of the cast part. 3.) Next, the permanent mold halves are closed and the mold is heated. 4.) Molten metal is poured into mould and let still for solidification. 5.) Before much cooling occurs, we remove the part from permanent mold using ejectors when mold halves are opened. We frequently use permanent mold casting for low melting point metals such as zinc and aluminum. For steel castings, we use graphite as mold material. We sometimes obtain complex geometries using cores within permanent molds. Advantages of this technique are castings with good mechanical properties obtained by rapid cooling, uniformity in properties, good accuracy and surface finish, low reject rates, possibility of automating the process and producing high volumes economically. Disadvantages are high initial setup costs which make it unsuitable for low volume operations, and limitations on the size of the parts manufactured. • DIE CASTING : A die is machined and molten metal is pushed under high pressure into mold cavities. Both nonferrous as well as ferrous metal die castings are possible. The process is suitable for high quantity production runs of small to medium sized parts with details, extremely thin walls, dimensional consistency and good surface finish. AGS-TECH Inc. is capable to manufacture wall thicknesses as small as 0.5 mm using this technique. Like in permanent mold casting, the mold needs to consist of two halves that can open and close for removal of part produced. A die casting mold may have multiple cavities to enable production of multiple castings with each cycle. Die casting molds are very heavy and much larger than the parts they produce, therefore also expensive. We repair and replace worn out dies free of charge for our customers as long as they reorder their parts from us. Our dies have long lifetimes in the several hundred thousand cycles range. Here are the basic simplified process steps: 1.) Production of the mold generally from steel 2.) Mold installed on die casting machine 3.) The piston forces molten metal to flow in the die cavities filling out the intricate features and thin walls 4.) After filling the mold with the molten metal, the casting is let hardened under pressure 5.) Mold is opened and casting removed with the help of ejector pins. 6.) Now the empty die are lubricated again and are clamped for the next cycle. In die casting, we frequently use insert molding where we incorporate an additional part into the mold and cast the metal around it. After solidification, these parts become part of the cast product. Advantages of die casting are good mechanical properties of the parts, possibility of intricate features, fine details and good surface finish, high production rates, easy automation. Disadvantages are: Not very suitable for low volume because of high die and equipment cost, limitations in shapes that can be cast, small round marks on cast parts resulting from contact of ejector pins, thin flash of metal squeezed out at the parting line, need for vents along the parting line between the die, necessity to keep mold temperatures low using water circulation. • CENTRIFUGAL CASTING : Molten metal is poured into the center of the rotating mold at the axis of rotation. Centrifugal forces throw the metal towards the periphery and it is let to solidify as the mold keeps rotating. Both horizontal and vertical axis rotations can be used. Parts with round inner surfaces as well as other non-round shapes can be cast. The process can be summarized as: 1.) Molten metal is poured into centrifugal mould. The metal is then forced to the outer walls due to spinning of the mold. 2.) As the mold rotates, the metal casting hardens Centrifugal casting is a suitable technique for production of hollow cylindirical parts like pipes, no need for sprues, risers and gating elements, good surface finish and detailed features, no shrinkage issues, possibility to produce long pipes with very large diameters, high rate production capability. • CONTINUOUS CASTING ( STRAND CASTING ) : Used to cast a continuous length of metal. Basically the molten metal is cast into two dimensional profile of the mold but its length is indeterminate. New molten metal is constantly fed into the mould as the casting travels downward with its length increasing with time. Metals such as copper, steel, aluminum are cast into long strands using continuous casting process. The process may have various configurations but the common one can be simplified as: 1.) Molten metal is poured into a container located high above the mold at well calculated amounts and flow rates and flows through the water cooled mold. The metal casting poured into the mould solidifies to a starter bar placed at the bottom of the mold. This starter bar gives the rollers something to grab onto initially. 2.) The long metal strand is carried by rollers at a constant speed. The rollers also change the direction of the flow of metal strand from vertical to horizontal. 3.) After the continuous casting has travelled a certain horizontal distance, a torch or saw that moves with the casting quickly cuts it to desired lengths. Continuous casting process can be integrated with ROLLING PROCESS, where the continuously cast metal can be fed directly into a rolling mill to produce I-Beams, T-Beams….etc. Continuous casting produces uniform properties throughout the product, it has a high solidification rate, reduces cost due to very low loss of material, offers a process where loading of metal, pouring, solidification, cutting and casting removal all take place in a continuous operation and thus resulting in high productivity rate and high quality. A major consideration is however the high initial investment, setup costs and space requirements. • MACHINING SERVICES : We offer three, four and five - axis machining. The type of machining processes we use are TURNING, MILLING, DRILLING, BORING, BROACHING, PLANING, SAWING, GRINDING, LAPPING, POLISHING and NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING which is further elaborated under a different menu of our website. For most of our manufacturing, we use CNC machines. However for some operations conventional techniques are a better fit and therefore we rely on them as well. Our machining capabilities reach the highest level possible and some most demanding parts are manufactured at an AS9100 certified plant. Jet engine blades require highly specialized manufacturing experience and the right equipment. Aerospace industry has very strict standards. Some components with complex geometrical structures are most easily manufactured by five axis machining, which is found only in some machining plants including ours. Our aerospace certified plant has the necessary experience complying to extensive documentation requirement of the aerospace industry. In TURNING operations, a workpiece is rotated and moved against a cutting tool. For this process a machine called lathe is being used. In MILLING, a machine called milling machine has a rotating tool to bring cutting edges to bear against a workpiece. DRILLING operations involve a rotating cutter with cutting edges that produces holes upon contact with the workpiece. Drill presses, lathes or mills are generally used. In BORING operations a tool with a single bent pointed tip is moved into a rough hole in a spinning workpiece to slightly enlarge the hole and improve accuracy. It is used for fine finishing purposes. BROACHING involves a toothed tool to remove material from a workpiece in one pass of the broach (toothed tool). In linear broaching, the broach runs linearly against a surface of the workpiece to effect the cut, whereas in rotary broaching, the broach is rotated and pressed into the workpiece to cut an axis symmetric shape. SWISS TYPE MACHINING is one of our valuable techniques we use for high volume manufacturing of small high precision parts. Using Swiss-type lathe we turn small, complex, precision parts inexpensively. Unlike conventional lathes where the workpiece is kept stationary and tool moving, in Swiss-type turning centers, the workpiece is allowed to move in the Z-axis and the tool is stationary. In Swiss-type machining, the bar stock is held in the machine and advanced through a guide bushing in the z-axis, only exposing the portion to be machined. This way a tight grip is ensured and accuracy is very high. Availability of live tools provide the opportunity to mill and drill as the material advances from the guide bushing. The Y-axis of the Swiss-type equipment provides full milling capabilities and saves great amount of time in manufacturing. Furthermore, our machines have drills and boring tools that operate on the part when it is held in the sub spindle. Our Swiss-Type machining capability gives us a fully automated complete machining opportunity in a single operation. Machining is one of the largest segments of AGS-TECH Inc. business. We either use it as a primary operation or a secondary operation after casting or extruding a part so that all drawing specifications are met. • SURFACE FINISHING SERVICES : We offer a vast variety of surface treatments and surface finishing such as surface conditioning to enhance adhesion, depositing thin oxide layer to enhance adhesion of coating, sand blasting, chem-film, anodizing, nitriding, powder coating, spray coating, various advanced metallization and coating techniques including sputtering, electron beam, evaporation, plating, hard coatings such as diamond like carbon (DLC) or titanium coating for drilling and cutting tools. • PRODUCT MARKING & LABELING SERVICES : Many of our customers require marking and labeling, laser marking, engraving on metal parts. If you have any such need, let us discuss which option will be the best for you. Here are some of commonly used metal cast products. Since these are off-the-shelf, you can save on mould costs in case any of these fits your requirements: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD our 11 Series Die-cast Aluminium Boxes from AGS-Electronics КЛИКНЕТЕ Услуга за пронаоѓање на производи-локатор ПРЕТХОДНА СТРАНИЦА

  • Plastic And Rubber Molding | United States | AGS-TECH, Inc.

    AGS-TECH Inc., Molding, Casting, Machining, Forging, Sheet Metal Fabrication, Mechanical Electrical Electronic Optical Assembly, PCBA, Powder Metallurgy, CNC AGS-TECH Inc. AGS-TECH Inc. Custom Manufacturing, Domestic & Global Outsourcing, Engineering Integration, Consolidation AGS-TECH Inc. 1/2 AGS-TECH, Inc. е ваш: Глобален прилагоден производител, интегратор, консолидатор, партнер за аутсорсинг за широк спектар на производи и услуги. Ние сме вашиот едношалтерски извор за производство, изработка, инженерство, консолидација, аутсорсинг на сопствени произведени и производи кои не се на полица. Ние, исто така, приватна етикета / бела етикета на вашите производи со името на вашиот бренд ако сакате. УСЛУГИ: Прилагодено производство на делови, компоненти, склопови, готови производи, машини и индустриска опрема Домашно и глобално договорно производство Производство Аутсорсинг Домашни, глобални набавки на индустриски производи Приватно означување / бело означување на вашите производи со името на вашата марка Услуги за пронаоѓање и лоцирање производи Глобален дизајн и партнерство за канали Инженерска интеграција Инженерски услуги Глобална консолидација, складирање, логистика ЗА AGS-TECH, Inc. - Вашиот глобален прилагоден производител, инженерски интегратор, консолидатор, аутсорсинг партнер AGS-TECH Inc. is a manufacturer,engineering integrator,global supplier of industrial products including moulds,moulded plastic and rubber parts,castings,extrusions,sheet metal fabrication, metal stamping & forging,CNC machining,machine elements,powder metallurgy,ceramic & glass forming, wire / spring forming,joining & assembly & fasteners,non-conventional fabrication, microfabrication,nanotechnology coatings & thin film,custom mechanical & electric electronic components & assemblies & PCB & PCBA & cable harness,optical & fiber optic components & assembly,test & metrology equipment like hardness testers,metallurgical microscopes,ultrasonic fault detectors,industrial computers,embedded systems,automation & panel PC,single board computers,quality control equipment. Besides products,with our global engineering,reverse engineering,research & development,product development,additive and rapid manufacturing, prototyping,project management capabilities we offer technical,logistic and business assistance to make you more competitive and successful in the global markets. Our mission is simple: Making our customers succeed and grow. How ? By providing 1.) Better Quality 2.) Better Price 3.) Better Delivery........ all from a single company and the World's most diverse global engineering integrator and supplier AGS-TECH Inc. You can provide us your blueprints and we can machine moulds, dies and tools for manufacturing your parts. We produce them by either molding, casting, extrusion, forging, sheet-metal fabrication, stamping, powder metallurgy, CNC machining, forming. We can either ship you parts and components or perform assembly, fabrication and complete manufacturing operations at our facilities. Our assembly operations involve mechanical, optical, electronic, fiber optic products. We perform joining operations using fasteners, welding, brazing, soldering, adhesive bonding and more. Our molding processes are for a variety of plastic, rubber, ceramic, glass, powder metallurgy materials. So are our casting, CNC machining, forging, sheet metal fabrication, wire & spring forming processes which involve metals, alloys, plastic, ceramic. We offer final finishing operations such as coatings & thin and thick film, grinding, lapping, polishing and more. Our manufacturing capabilities extend beyond mechanical assembly. We manufacture electric electronic components & assemblies & PCB & PCBA & cable harness, optical & fiber optic components & assembly according to your technical drawings, BOM, Gerber files. Various PCB and PCBA manufacturing techniques including reflow soldering and wave soldering besides others are deployed. We are experts in precision connectorization, joining, assembly and sealing of hermetic electronic and fiber optical packages and products. Besides passive and active mechanical assembly, we take advantage of special brazing and soldering materials and techniques for manufacturing products compliant to Telcordia and other industry standards. We are not limited with high volume manufacturing and fabrication. Almost every project starts with a need for engineering, reverse engineering, research & development, product development, additive and rapid manufacturing, prototyping. As the World's most diverse global custom manufacturer, engineering integrator, consolidator, outsourcing partner, we welcome you even if you only have ideas. We take you from there and help you at all phases of a successful complete product development and manufacturing cycle. Whether it is rapid sheet metal fabrication, rapid mould machining and molding, rapid casting, rapid PCB & PCBA assembly or else any rapid prototyping technique is at your service. We offer you off-the-shelf as well as custom manufactured metrology equipment like hardness testers, metallurgical microscopes, ultrasonic fault detectors; industrial computers, embedded systems, automation & panel PC, single board computers and quality control equipment that are widely used in manufacturing and industrial facilities. By offering you state-of-the-art metrology equipment and industrial computer components we complement your needs as a single source manufacturer and supplier where you can source all what you need. Without a wide spectrum of engineering services, we would be no different than the majority of other manufacturers and sellers with limited custom manufacturing and assembly capabilities that are out there in the market. The span of our engineering services distinguishes us as the World’s most diverse custom manufacturer, contract manufacturer, engineering integrator, consolidator and outsourcing partner. Engineering services can be offered as alone or as part of new product or process development, or as part of an existing product or process development or as anything else that comes to your mind. We are flexible and our engineering services can take the form that best fits your needs and requirements. The deliverables and output of our engineering services is limited only by your imagination and can take any form that suits you. The most common forms of output from our engineering services are: Consultation reports, test sheets and reports, inspection reports, blueprints, engineering drawings, assembly drawings, bill of material lists, datasheets, simulations, software programs, graphics and charts, output from specialized optical, thermal or other software programs, samples and prototypes, models, demonstrations…..etc. Our engineering services can be delivered with a signature or several signatures of certified professional engineers in your state. Sometimes a number of professional engineers from different disciplines may be required to sign the work. Outsourcing engineering services to us can provide you many benefits such as cost savings from hiring a full-time engineer or engineers, quickly getting the expert engineer to serve you within your timeframe and budget rather than searching to hire one, giving you the ability to quit a project quickly in case you realize it is not feasible (this is very costly in case you hire and lay-off your own engineers), quickly be able to switch engineers from different disciplines and backgrounds giving you the capability to maneuver at any time and phase of your projects…..etc. There are many other benefits to outsourcing engineering services in addition to custom manufacturing and assembly. On this site we will focus on custom manufacturing, contract manufacturing, assembly, integration, consolidation and outsourcing of products. If the engineering side of our business is of more interest to you, you can find detailed information about our engineering services by visiting We are AGS-TECH Inc., your one-stop source for manufacturing & fabrication & engineering & outsourcing & consolidation. We are the World's most diverse engineering integrator offering you custom manufacturing, subassembly, assembly of products and engineering services. Contact Us First Name Last Name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!

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