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Specialized Test Equipment for Testing of Paper & Packaging Products are used for testing paper & packaging products such as cardboard boxes, carton materials, foam and cushioning materials and other types of packages....etc., for checking their quality, endurance, functionality, reliability, safety, compliance to domestic and international standards....etc. Our specialized test equipment can be either:
Custom designed specialized testing equipment is designed and developed by us for our customers specific needs, taking into consideration our customers specific requirements, their markets, their legal responsibilities...etc. We work with you hand in hand to accomplish what you need and want. Our engineers design, prototype and get your approval prior to manufacturing your test machines.
On the other hand, our off-shelf specialized test equipment for testing of Paper & Packaging Products are already designed and manufactured systems that can be purchased quickly from us and used. If you let us know what you need, we will be happy to guide you and propose you ready systems that can help achieve your goals. Our off-shelf specialized test equipment for testing of Paper & Packaging Products can be downloaded from the colored links below:
HAIDA Adhesive Tape Peel Test Machine
HAIDA Automatic Bursting Strength Test Machine
HAIDA Bursting Strength Tester Series
HAIDA Clamping Force Testing Machine
HAIDA Computer Servo Carton Compressive Tester Series
HAIDA Double-Column Drop Test Machine
HAIDA Foam Compression Hardness Tester
HAIDA Foam Pounding Fatigue Tester
HAIDA Foam Rebound Test Machine
HAIDA Foam Tear Resistance Tester
HAIDA Four Point Bending Stiffness Tester
HAIDA Microcomputer Carton Compressive Tester Series
HAIDA Microcomputer Ring Crush & Edge
HAIDA Package Incline Impact Tester
HAIDA Paper Four Point Bending Resistance Tester
HAIDA Ring Crush & Edge Crush Tester Series
HAIDA Single Drop Test Machine
For other similar equipment, please visit our equipment website: http://www.sourceindustrialsupply.com