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Električni in elektronski Sestavi

Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Elektronski sklop - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electronic assembly of a medical oven

Elektronska montaža medicinske pečice

Electronic products manufacturing and assembly by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Proizvodnja in montaža elektronskih izdelkov s strani AGS-TECH, Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone developed and manufactured by AGS-TECH Inc.

Kapacitivni kabel za slušalke na dotik, ki ga je razvil in izdelal AGS-TECH Inc.

Development and manufacturing of capacitive touch headphone cable

Razvoj in proizvodnja kapacitivnega kabla za slušalke na dotik

Optoelectronic PCBA

Optoelektronski PCBA

PCB Boards

PCB plošče

Custom PCB assemblies by AGS-TECH

Sklopi PCB po meri proizvajalca AGS-TECH

Prototype of an optoelectronic robot with rotating and tip-tilt stage for automated tracking and recording

Prototip optoelektronskega robota z vrtljivo in nagibno stopnjo za avtomatizirano sledenje in snemanje 

Custom manufactured and assembled transformer

Transformator izdelan in sestavljen po meri

Custom transformers manufactured by AGS-TECH

Transformatorji po meri proizvajalca AGS-TECH

Sklop električnega vrtalnika AGS-TECH Inc.

Custom manufactured transformers made by AGS-TECH for a grill manufacturer

Transformatorji izdelani po naročilu podjetja AGS-TECH za proizvajalca žarov

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic

PCBA sklopi - električni elektronski sklopi

Electric Drill Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.
Eyeglass Case with Motion Detectors AGS-TECH, Inc.
Eyeglass case with motion sensors completely manufactured and assembled by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Etui za očala z detektorji gibanja AGS-TECH, Inc.

Etui za očala s senzorji gibanja v celoti izdelan in sestavljen s strani AGS-TECH, Inc.

AGS-TECH packages your products according to your choice and needs

AGS-TECH pakira vaše izdelke po vaši izbiri in potrebah

Alternator Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Sklop alternatorja AGS-TECH Inc.

Starter Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Sklop zaganjalnika AGS-TECH Inc.

Electrical Starter by AGS-TECH Inc.

Električni zaganjalnik AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

Strain Gauges with Wire Leads Manufactured and Assembled by AGS-TECH Inc.

Merilniki napetosti z žičnimi vodi, ki jih proizvaja in sestavlja AGS-TECH Inc.

Single and multilayer PCB boards available from AGS-TECH Inc

Enoslojne in večplastne PCB plošče so na voljo pri AGS-TECH Inc 

Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

Sklopi tiskanih vezij PCBA

Custom PCBA manufacturing AGS-TECH, Inc.

Proizvodnja PCBA po meri AGS-TECH, Inc.

PCB board manufacturing AGS-TECH

Izdelava PCB plošč AGS-TECH

We manufacture printed circuit board assemblies

Izdelujemo sklope tiskanih vezij po vaši zasnovi ali po naši zasnovi po vaši meri

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