Pabrikan Custom Global, Integrator, Consolidator, Mitra Outsourcing pikeun Rupa-rupa Produk & Jasa.
Kami mangrupikeun sumber hiji-eureun anjeun pikeun manufaktur, fabrikasi, rékayasa, konsolidasi, integrasi, outsourcing produk & jasa anu diproduksi sareng kaluar-rak.
Pilih Basa anjeun
Manufaktur custom
Manufaktur Kontrak Domestik & Global
Manufaktur Outsourcing
Ngayakeun Doméstik & Global
Integrasi Téknik
Jasa Téknik
Custom Manufacturing
Custom manufacturing is our strength. Custom manufacturing encompasses procedures such as designing, engineering, and manufacturing products tailored to a customer’s preference and taste. Custom manufacturing process requires working closely with the end user to design and develop the product. Therefore, custom manufacturing often requires careful and excellent communication and advanced expertise.
Custom manufacturing is the process of designing, engineering, and producing goods based on a customer's unique specifications. Custom manufacturing may include build to order (BTO) parts, one-offs, short production runs, as well mass customization and production.
Kami AGS-TECH Inc., sumber hiji-eureun anjeun pikeun manufaktur & fabrikasi & rékayasa & outsourcing & konsolidasi. Kami mangrupikeun integrator rékayasa anu paling beragam di dunya anu nawiskeun anjeun manufaktur, subassembly, perakitan produk sareng jasa rékayasa.